Frage von Slavko:
Is there hope that the 7D is gahackt, so that the sharpness of normal?
Canon has so, in the 7D, intentionally made a soft blur, or Picture, in order not to sell the 5D Mark2 and doesn't.
Let's see whether jemmand to work and makes hacks the 7D. I support it in any case.
So let's hack together!
Antwort von pilskopf:

This has been around and will cost a few hundred euros. Since the AA filter is expanded, increasing sharpness, Alias | Wavefront Mayaing synonymous.
Antwort von r.p.television:

Know the expansion of the anti-Ailiasing filter synonymous.
Supposedly the 7D but to come around to the sharpness of the 5Dmk2, but with much worse Alias | Wavefront Mayaing than the softest Flat 5Dmk2 in-Picture.
Buy for the price that is rather like the 5Dmk2. Then you have small picture, and no better Cropfaktor Lowlighteigenschaften.
Ideal is not a VDSRL. But if one should be the Picture of the 7D is too soft for even one more attack before 5Dmk2 can make some operations such as removal of the Anti-Alias | Wavefront Mayaing filter.