Infoseite // Canon GL2 Canon XM2 =??

Frage von fabsy:

I have just researched internationally, whether you get the Canon XM2 anywhere in the world cheaper than in Germany and have encountered here in the U.S. on the GL2 model, which is not different of the German optical XM2. Does anybody know if this is the same model? this would indeed be in the States for about 1400Euro too. am grateful for any help


Antwort von Markus:


This question arises with constant regularity. Look at the article "Buying camcorder in the U.S."

Antwort von AMH:

Do you have a link to it? Then we could go and get look at the technical data ;-)



Antwort von Bernd E.:


XL2 and GL2 are basically the same camera, just take the XM2 in the European PAL system and the GL2 to the technically inferior NTSC predecessor system, which is the standard in the USA. The different standards according to both have different CCD cameras and image frequencies.

Gruß Bernd E.

PS: A serious offer from a U.S. retailer, which according to shipping, and VAT Inch truly rewarding cheaper than a purchase in this country, with so far is very rarely encountered.


Antwort von AMH:

I would also advise you of it. ---> Very bad experience

Also you here brings an NTSC device is not really what ...



Antwort von fabsy:

is the link to the offer:

but since I'm probably too early me happy. the with the pal and ntsc but I'm not so well understood, but I'll take my time with your rat.

Although I could save shipping and so, because I could let them bring me, but if it brings nothing to me anyway, so use is synonymous save the nix.

thanks for your tips, perhaps, can indeed times a anschaun in part. As I said, with technical data I have not got it so I concentrated more on making good contributions to. thanks again


Antwort von Markus:

PAL and NTSC are different TV standards. In this country (PAL) is one seconds of digital video with 25 frames per 720 × 576 pixels. The color is transmitted with technically complex means by which the NTSC-to avoid the typical color.

NTSC runs with 29.97 frames per second, with each picture one Resolutionvon 720 × 486 pixels has. Since the standards differ in all important parameters, it is not an entirely lossless format conversion as possible.

In short, the GL2 features more images with a lower Resolutionund a different color coding as the XM2.

If you are interested in further details, look into the


Antwort von klemm:

Real time, if you the difference between PAL and NTSC do not know, to start with a cheap digicam.


Antwort von Markus:

"clamping" wrote: ... if the difference between PAL and NTSC you do not know ...

It has fallen from the sky and not a master yet sometimes the information available for beginners too specific and too technical and detailed. ;-)



Antwort von AMH:

I know producers who could not tell you that! In any case, only that the TV are two different standards ;-)

There are more important things to know.



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