Frage von nibuki:
Hey community,
I have in the past, often times over looked here and Answers Relating to find different issues. Now I'm just me, even a cam for a university project gained - after a long search one HF10 - which was very difficult to obtain (;) at such short notice. Well, unpacked, auspobiert ... and found that in the recordings always occurs a very distracting background noise. I have special guest, a solid-Cam to them, or because I did not drive noise, and now this in our tests, Cam was in the sound area but always done well, I suppose, therefore, that when my copy was defective.
If I sound runterregle manual, then the noise is quieter, until it is finally almost gone - but then the sound recording is synonymous much quieter. The activated microphone attenuation of the action to reduce the noise, but not eliminate it. Connecting an external mic makes noise again low but runterregeln I have yet in the action, with the result that they speak almost directly into the Micro has - but then you get good noise-sound.
Am I too dumb to set it right, or is with the Mirko of the action which is not in order. I must still be able to withstand, without noise and with decent recording volume.
Please give me Hniweise, I'm really desperate because the purchase did not cost much money and I did not buck at all the stress with no return or repair, quite apart from the fact that Cam Saturday already has its first serious use (; and it is difficult) to get a new HF10.
Many greetings from the North!
Antwort von AndreasBloechl:

If it with the ext. Micro indeed synonymous occurs, I think it will not be able to s.internen Micro. I tested my unfortunately not correct. So I can not say much. Perhaps logs but still a proof of the whole better.
Antwort von domain:

Have you tested Camera possibly in the night?
Many here described as a disaster subjectively perceived problems are with the first test in lowlight together in a very quiet environment.
The first attempts, but with good natural light and are usually made of strong background noise.
On the night rushing everything simple image sensors and microphones
Antwort von Interlaced_Killer:

Oh, the night rushing everything? If it is not, however, at least not when using an external microphones in a room that is bigger than a shoebox.
Thanks for the tip, I will be the purchase of HF11 think again.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
But it is synonymous to record a voice much quieter Were you surprised?
What is the sound you've recorded, night silence in the monastery?
Antwort von Interlaced_Killer:
But it is synonymous to record a voice much quieter
Were you surprised?
What is the sound you've recorded, night silence in the monastery? And so what? Should not there be synonymous cameras that create it?
Imagine, I would like to include in evening silence my young son with its quietly babbling.
Can we not want such a thing? One can not expect a camera with no moving parts creates it? And if not, then at least with the external microphone?
Antwort von beiti:

The sad truth is that almost all have consumer camcorder, and synonymous, most small recording devices very rauschig Microphone Preamplifier. Earlier this might not notice so much because the drive noise was even louder. Today, a solid-state camcorder, you notice it all the more. Even my HF100 is heavily affected.
In general, we notice the strong noise of anything because dampen the simple speakers in most television sets this frequency range. The Manufacturer synonymous with tricks like the vote of the automatic audio control: the level is different than it used in low situations, no longer raised to attack. The only audible noise coming out when editing in the quiet passages louder makes.
If you control the sound through headphones, you hear the noise immediately. As you can already alarmed. However, listening through headphones is rather an exceptional situation, which should be synonymous the reason why relatively little reading on-camcorder noise, and why not test magazines synonymous Rate this noise as high. It simply plays into the practice of most filmmakers not matter.
Antwort von Interlaced_Killer:

Could we not solve this by walking a decent external preamp organized, and the HF100 all runterpegelt?
What is, for example, if you buy a decent external microphone (; eg Rode SVC)? There enough to turn back the amplifier across the HF100, so finally no more noise is there?