Frage von Brenner:
After seeing pictures with the HF100 I am quite satisfied (difference between the day and night to SonyDCR-HC39), I noticed that the sound is absolutely unacceptable.
So, s.sich the sound quality is ok, but the cameraman, or people who stand beside the camera, one hears 1A ONLY people in the 1-2m away filming are totally quiet.
That is probably the only one external Micro helps that I already synonymous with my old Sonybenutzt had. As I said at the HF100 yes the possibility of finally have put one jack with the adapter, I hope what I can recommend which solves the above problem.
How to 100, - ¬ (synonymous when it's always better there) would be ok. Of course, it should somehow fit s.die HF10.
Antwort von Markus:
So, s.sich the sound quality is ok, but the cameraman, or people who stand beside the camera, one hears 1A ONLY people in the 1-2m away filming are totally quiet. In itself this is not unusual for (internal) microphones: Near intense sound sources are recorded as such, the next away. Depending on the characteristics of the Camcordermokrofons this effect may be stronger or weaker light.
That is probably the only one external Micro helps that I already synonymous with my old Sonybenutzt had. A directional microphone, the sound events in front of the camcorder absorbs preferred, which would be what you are looking for.
How to 100, - ¬ ... The Choice usauf delineate the following models: Hama RMZ-10, Audio Technica ATR55, T. Bone EM9600 and Røde VideoMic. These guys were synonymous already discussed.
Antwort von Brenner:

Thanks for the reply.
It remains then only have the problem with the mini-shoe adapter.
The original DM-100 Microphone is so apparently synonymous ok, but synonymous fiercely expensive. But I am already at superior.
Antwort von Jan:

So, s.sich the sound quality is ok, but the cameraman, or people who stand beside the camera, one hears 1A ONLY people in the 1-2m away filming are totally quiet.
Maybe take a look at the meter throw when he has less than half-lit, perhaps with the manual Tonaussteuerung Raise the level a bit - but not in the red zone.
Otherwise halt as proposed - a take richtwirkendes Micro (with rail s.Stativgewinde), so if you often have a recording situation.
Antwort von Brenner:

Honestly? Actually, just such a situation since I almost only the Camera to use film to celebrate.
The variant with the rail, I have already considered, but I find it inappropriate for my purpose and extremely unattractive. People always look stupid enough when a man with Aufsteckmikro and Fellpüschel rumrennt ;-)
Antwort von Bodensee_bmwler:

and? already one found with the adapter?
Antwort von dominator-video:

DM-100, I have bought miser, but a precaution many still can not deliver. Also search I get a battery 819, there are probably only in black. Schade, the Canon accessories not be on top of events.
Antwort von Bodensee_bmwler:

yes, the disaster is accurate;)! Do something daring and ordered a false .... bin mal gespannt!
Antwort von dominator-video:

Hopefully you do not fly it around the ears. Already something of regulation is one of the battery and always think s.das CE Mark,
Sonyhat but it's not synonymous with a grip CE.
Antwort von Bodensee_bmwler:

already clear: =)!
I do not have Battery flown around the ears ....
Antwort von Brenner:

My Micro is still not available :-(
But next Friday is wedding and since I need it, such a crap!