Frage von schibbe:
Have recently a Canon HF200.
With the vlc-player, I can watch the videos quite fluently.
Unfortunately arise why always synonymous horizontal lines. : (
If I files directly into Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 import and jerky editing it heavily.
Have the following questions:
The lines are not caused by the Cam or?
At the preview of the action that is they are not there.
What is the best solution to edit the format? So synonymous
alternative Windowas Programs call.
I include in 25p.
ps. I have a Q6600, an Nvidia Geforce 9600GT PCX (512mb), 2gb ram, which is further upgraded. [/ U]
Antwort von domain:

Emergence of the lines synonymous, if you the clips directly s.Camera Playing on the Television?
If so an immediate complaint.
As for the cut, which seem EDIUS Neo 2 Booster users to be quite satisfied.
Antwort von schibbe:

On the television can not be identified with the lines. However, the picture still looks a bit spoiled by, in my opinion. In what settings and in what format would you save videos ready to upload eg cut at vimeo?
Antwort von RickyMartini:

The problem is s.miesen deinterlacing of VLC!
With PowerDVD and Media Player of Windows 7, this interlacing stripes are not visible.
The camcorder features interlaced - 50i to -.
Antwort von Rolf Hankel:

Try it once with the Media Player Classic, I've done so with AVCHD on my notebook best experience.
Just try it, I had to synonymous
Gruss Rolf ...
Antwort von schibbe:

I had the camcorder but PF25, it is there. think it is 25p, because it is the only choice is set. Other Programs I'm going to try.
ps. Edit this works with Edius (I've downloaded the test version) much better.
Antwort von schibbe:

Edius editing is as said by her great.
Is there a way with the premiere video editing just as fast, because I'm with the Premiere Effects familiar and they do not want to miss really. A mix would be Great. ;)
Were the videos on jedenfall prepared beforehand with the Media Encoder to convert to another format. Sizes quality loss but I wanted to avoid this if possible.
Does anyone like I imagine? If so I would be grateful if someone could call format in which he converts the videos.
Antwort von RickyMartini:

With PPro CS4.2 I can on my Quadsystem (Q6600 @ 3Ghz, 8800GTS 512MB, 6GB RAM, the AVCHD) clips of my Canon HF100 and other models no problems. This stops the playback is not in the source sequence and monitor!
What s.deinem system is rotten, but is hard to say!
Antwort von schibbe:

So as I said my ram is upgradeable. Question, however Q6600 @ 3GHz.
Well 2,4 ghz is not normal right? do you overclock? And if so, how?
Antwort von RickyMartini:

I am pursuing the FSB on my board (Asus P5B Deluxe, i965 chipset) with 1333Mhz. Thus, the CPU is running with 3Ghz.
Antwort von schibbe:

My motherboard is synonymous 1333mhz, I must again i change what I speak, work or auto @ 3GHz? But that could s.ram it would be logical or!? That is s.der vga card might imagine I did not eig because it has really brought me so far performed well.
CPU utilization varies when you preview a video in Premiere of between 10 and 90%. Sometimes, the video runs really smoothly, sometimes quite the opposite. Swap file is placed approximately at 1.4 gb
So ichs with more ram to try?
Antwort von RickyMartini:

With 2GB of RAM should be running it looks really, with PPro can never have enough of it. However, when more than 3GB a 64bit Windows - s.besten Windows 7 Pro - is necessary.