Frage von Klaus-Dieter:
I would like to see a new buy, the Canon HF100 or HG20.
HF100 - 600 euro
HG20 - 660 euro
From handling her, I would pick the HG20 super easy to fit into my hand. Now I would be interested even if the hard drive spins when I SDHC card recording.
Can I use of the SDHC card to hard drive copy?
Antwort von deti:

The hard drive is probably - but just can not tell because the camera always through the little optical stabilizer whirrs. The Umkopieren between SDHC and internal HDD is only possible via USB s.PC and therefore pretty meaningless.
Antwort von Klaus-Dieter:

If I had the model with hard drive, then I would double my data secure on map 1 * and 1 * to disk. It must have a possibility to enter the data in and out her copy. Perhaps it is indeed of the hard drive to map.
Antwort von deti:

If you can not accept, then it does not work, then just read the instructions - there's the Canon as a PDF for download.
Antwort von Klaus-Dieter:
The hard drive is probably from Exactly what is not in a Bedieungsanleitung. Presumptions help me next synonymous not only experience how it really is.
If you can not accept that it does not work Is that the manual does not it?
I find nothing about this ...