Frage von videocrack:
grad überleg me whether I should buy the HG21 or better ne panasonic HDC-SD300 ... what are the differences real?
Test results of HG21 are very good and the panasonic seems to me slightly too expensive. cinema-mode of hg21 sieht geil aus. This is the time lapse panasonic zb functions, which is synonymous cool. help!
Antwort von Basti27:

You purchase the Canon. Top image sharpness.
Test results of HG21 are very good and the panasonic seems to me slightly too expensive. cinema-mode of hg21 sieht geil aus. Decision you have taken yourself ... And I personally find a time lapse function somehow superfluous. Is it so synonymous best accomplished in the post (Space Cams have enough anyway)
In the case of the Canon are you doing nothing wrong
Antwort von videocrack:

it shoots really like these pictures here:
0:36 looks cool.
Antwort von nachtspion:

With your Eintscheidung it is important to know what you with the camera is important.
If it is image quality in all conceivable situations, to attack you in the consumer market rather to the Canons, ie HF100/10/11, HG20/21.
If you have full manual setting options should have, and especially in Lowlight swabs can make, take the SD300.
I was after intensive research decided against the Panasonic. Finally, it is for me the image quality to be assessed higher than manual controls, synonymous because the Canon 's not just in the auto mode.
The question now is whether it is the HG21 to be:) Ok, many say perhaps that the viewfinders useful. But what I have heard synonymous nor is the ninth with the seekers of the newer Concumercams is satisfied and can not use it safely. The price difference of about 200 ¬ for the HG20 are there already happig.
The only difference is the larger 60GB hard drive and one in the Viewfinder HG21.
For Comparison: 1 terabyte hard disks there are already around 100 euros.
Today it is not easy for a device to decide.
Antwort von nachtspion:
it shoots really like these pictures here:
0:36 looks cool. Yes it does. I have countless material and visited several such delicacy (picture) found.
This has led me synonymous with Canon 's to swing, because of "a normalo" no longer evident if the Cam is a professional device, or a 750 ¬ Consumercam act.
Antwort von videocrack:

not just superslowmo
: (
convinced that the image quality
There's slow motion clips? hab nix gefunden. I would be interested to know how liquid the building at like 50% speed looks like.
Antwort von nachtspion:

Above, you have spoken of Time Lapse, not of Slowmo!
The are 2 fundamentally different things. To my knowledge may be synonymous, the SD300 does not have a better Slowmo.
Time Lapse means you are at a distance of a few seconds / minutes / hours a Picture and make it into a video creation. You have then in 10 seconds Video 30 minutes actually as real time displayed. It's a reflex but with exactly the same way, with better picture results.
Slowmo is nothing more than a recording process to be slower. To the best possible results you need to get high frame rates.
Of the cameras you mentioned can be up to 50i. It make you a Slowmo 25p. For a smoother presentation, you need to get in any case more than 50i.
Time Lapse of the highest quality with a DSLR and HDR technology (with video is not possible)
Slowmotion with 120 FPS:
Incidentally, if you register with Vimeo, you can many of the videos there synonymous download. The original files are rendered then again a bit better!
Antwort von videocrack:

Thanks spion night.
Gibt's denn überhaupt payable 120fps with camcorders?
Je ne me buy HG21. had previously ne panasonic nv-MX8, fairly old crate halt:)