Frage von lasse f.:Hi leute,
I have now my external directional Micro 80 of Sennheiser ME. But when I connect, there is a noise. can do with the wiring to do? At the moment I have only one cable, the XLR s.ein Short xlr is where s.Ende a 3.5 mini-jack on it is.
brauch man da so Beachtec Converter zb DXA-2s? synonymous or are there other possibilities. Maybe you're so Impedanzkonvertern with this experience?
Please answer quickly!
Lasse F.
Antwort von Markus:
Hello Lasse,
what kind is the noise? Is it constant or it varies? If a s.oder wanted only the signal to noise? You post the best times a sound samples (preferably as mp3).
Standard Micro 80 of Sennheiser ME. As far as I know, the food adapters K3-U a battery compartment. Is there a new battery times have been filed?
can do with the wiring to do? That might have to do, but it must not. First, I needed a few more details. So says XLR, for example, only that it is cable with XLR connectors involved. I assume, since it is a mono-Microphone is that 3-pole connections are meant? How does the wiring look like? Which pins on the one page of the cable leading to the pins on the other?
brauch man da so Beachtec Converter zb DXA-2s? For longer cable runs in conjunction with an HV20 would be connected to, for short cables (<3 m) is synonymous times with a simple XLR jack adapter, so unbalanced. Except of course in critical environments or in bad weather.
Please answer quickly! I've typed quite quickly when I read your question. Okay so? ;-)
Further information on symmetry:
Antwort von lasse f.:
Hi Mark thank you reply,
1. The Stöhrgeräusch is evenly (sssssssssssss), but it is at a high level at a loud and deep level quietly.
2. the mp3 with this, I can not
3. The Battery is new and super.
4. I understand but not quite on a Page s.ende where the makeshift adapter to go look out the connections.
5. Should I perhaps try to make a picture for you to show (a picture says more than 1000 words)?
6.Sorry I'm so ignorant, but I'm synonymous only 14 and now have this cheap of Micro nem types of synonymous professionals get supplies.
7. Would be cool if you know because this adapter is not quite so cheap (at EBAY irgentwie around 300 ¬)
Thanks Lasse
Antwort von Markus:
Okay, half of your answers I did not quite match.
Is the Microphone directly on the camcorder or is it regardless of being used? If the camcorder is attached: do you use a rigid microphone clamp or a spider (elastic suspension)?
Antwort von Lasse:
Sorry Makus no preference,
The Micro is elastically suspended but can be removed as it depends s.einem Cable 3m
Antwort von Markus:
Test times possible with short cables. 3 m unbalanced are a very good antenna.
Antwort von lasse f.:
it's me again improved the DXA-6vu because the quality or not.
300 ¬ is really a lot!
Antwort von Markus:
Did the test with a short cable as possible because nothing?
If you have a longer (!) Cable would like to improve the XLR adapter to transfer so far as the cables that he can stretch and symmetric so that the signal is insensitive to interference.
As long as the cause in your particular case is not properly identified, can you like, but nobody fortunetelling whether an XLR adapter, the desired improvement.