Frage von Daniel007:
Hey guys,
morning I got the job in the city a survey of 31 October perform.
Since my LED head light is not there yet, I have to make do without first.
Also, I am still pretty early in the Status and would like to know what camera settings you could recommend me for it.
Fit but please briefly!
My mission is yes is to interview a number of different people. And I hate yes sogesehen more or less the whole city, inquire of a person at a time, and I do not think that the respondents feel like having to wait forever to any new set configurations.
Would it not be better mode for filming in the car? Or does the camera then bad HD recordings? Greetings
Antwort von Johannes:

Take someone with a reflector with. Otherwise, just Wolfgangs preset with-3dB gain or alternative work with Aperture 8 and larger. Below are the recordings are very muddy. I can not confirm because I have not tried it yet.
Antwort von Daniel007:
Take someone with a reflector with. Otherwise, just Wolfgangs preset with-3dB gain or alternative work with Aperture 8 and larger. Below are the recordings are very muddy. , I can not confirm because I have not tried it yet. Okay, I take with reflector.
What exactly do you mean by Aperture 8 or larger? :)
How does the fact RTL and Pro7 in those recordings? Departments are not constantly refresh the settings right? There lies one probably s.der Camera?
Edit: Aperture 8 would be extremely dark or?
Antwort von rush:

How does someone s.solche orders of seemingly distinct problems with the technical basics have?
I's just not understand sometimes ...
Antwort von Daniel007:
How does someone s.solche orders of seemingly distinct problems with the technical basics have?
I's just not understand sometimes ... Keep ya head up! ;)
The time now is nothing earth shattering, but is only a very small project as by-program.
I see it synonymous so that means I'm learning ...
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... What exactly do you mean by Aperture 8 or larger? ... Simply put: the smaller the sensors of a camera, the earlier the phenomenon occurs as the lens on the diffraction blur. So experiment, for example, by using the appropriate density filter for now, about to stay in the area of Aperture 2.8 to 5.6.
To focus before you put the recording from the AF, zoom, great on the eyes of the interviewee and the sharpness holst by pressing a "push-AF" (which I assume once that the XH-A1 has such a function). Then you can choose the picture at will and the sharpness will not synonymous runs in the background of it if your opponent moves on to some page.
... What really makes the RTL and Pro7 in those recordings? Departments are not constantly refresh the settings right? There lies one probably s.der Camera? ... Mostly it is deal s.den camera crews with the art may use it.
Aperture ...... 8 would be extremely dark or ...? If not enough light is there: Shooting with Aperture 8 may be all of illuminated to dark about it as far too light
Antwort von Daniel007:

Hey Bernd,
Thanks for your reply. By precisely such answers just to learn.
Yes, Push-AF, the XH-A1.
The gray filter with the understanding it is not quite. What do I need for there to set s.der Camera?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
The ... with the neutral density filter, I still do not understand quite. What I have to adjust because there s.der Camera? ... The gray filter reduces the light falling on the sensor and allows you to work more with the desired larger Aperture, synonymous if this is actually too bright. So before you turn s.hellen days with Aperture 11'd have to not overexposing, you wave simply a gray filter that absorbs light three stops - and voila: you get an otherwise identical camera settings correctly exposed picture even in fourth Aperture These values are of course only an example, I do not know what ND filter, the XH-A1 has exactly and how the weather will be tomorrow ;-)
Antwort von Daniel007:
The ... with the neutral density filter, I still do not understand quite. What I have to adjust because there s.der Camera? ...
The gray filter reduces the light falling on the sensor and allows you to work more with the desired larger Aperture, synonymous if this is actually too bright. So before you turn s.hellen days with Aperture 11'd have to not overexposing, you wave simply a gray filter that absorbs light three stops - and voila: you get an otherwise identical camera settings correctly exposed picture even in fourth Aperture These values are of course only an example, I do not know what ND filter, the XH-A1 has exactly and how the weather will be tomorrow ;-) Thank you! Sure, ND filter, I know now synonymous, what did you mean!
Good, then I will try my luck tomorrow with the suggestions posted here, try it.
Is on! Learning by doing! ;)
Antwort von gast3:
Take someone with a reflector with. Otherwise, just Wolfgangs preset with-3dB gain or alternative work with Aperture 8 and larger. Below are the recordings are very muddy. I can not confirm because I have not tried it yet. Picture of the XHA1 is already no longer in Aperture 8 optimally, I would not go next as Aperture 5.6, so the small sensor verwenden.Aufgrund ND filters do you have in light telephoto synonymous with Aperture 5.6 sufficient depth to enable any to keep fidgety interview victims in focus.
Focal as I said not too short, otherwise there distortion (big nose), back to the people not too much to my body, not narrowly synonymous post in the middle.
Otherwise, follow the advice of Bernard (manual focus, push-AF, etc)
Antwort von Johannes:

Focal as I said not too short, otherwise there distortion (big nose), back to the people not too much to my body, not a hair's breadth in the synonymous That reminds me of a story, the chief of a local radio station for which I was often on the road, was in his last years, in speeches, etc., always refer to the end of the room because he had previously been the speaker with his Micro "caressed" had so close he was ran with his Canon XHA1. According to the motto "skin this close"; D
Antwort von Daniel007:

Okay, thank you for further information and the little story.
Tomorrow I will give feedback.
Good evening everybody.