Frage von Giliath:
I am looking for a nice HD camcorder between 3000-3600 euros.
The cam should definitely have XLR connections and be relatively Lichtstark.
I myself have read through various tests, and now fluctuates between the models
Canon XH A1s
SonyHDR-AX2000 The Canon impresses with its excellent resolution. In addition, it is cheaper than my Sony alternative. But I find the Canon monitor screen somehow got bissel tiny, besides, I really do not know if I really want to put on mini-DV, for I have little desire to lengthy capturing.
At the Sony Cam excites me in any case, the recording to SD cards. The cards are not quite as favorable as Mini-DV tapes, but I can edit my material a lot faster, since deleted the capturing. When Slashcam test, however, was that the cam is no "Touch Focus" and not "Shot Transitions" possesses. I know my way out from some in the video section, but these English words to tell me anything. Is there perhaps enlighten me, who? * g *
To which you would tend to Cam?
Greetings Gili
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... "Touch Focus "..." Shot Transitions" ... these English words to tell me anything ... Touch Focus is to focus on the touchscreen: You type with your finger on the display screen and the camera then sets to suit the scene sharp.
Shot Transition s.einfachsten explained with a quote of the Sony website: "The user specifies the start and end settings for a scene (eg, zoom, focus, aperture, gain, shutter speed and white balance) and then press the start button. The Shot Transition function now provides a seamless transition for the duration of the scene by the intermediate values are calculated during the transition auto. "
... Cam you would tend to what? ... If you do not immediately need the camera, it is worth perhaps not for much longer wait for the intersection of your two favorites: mid-April, will present his version of a Canon camcorder cards in a similar case, the XH-A1.
Antwort von B.DeKid:
In mid-April will present his version of a Canon camcorder cards in one of the XH-A1 similar case. Where did you get the info Bernd? Or think about the NAB?
B. DeKid
Antwort von Giliath:

Thanks for the quick response ...
In mid-April will present his version of a Canon camcorder cards in one of the XH-A1 similar case. Will the new model will be called XH-A2? And above all, must be set already known to whom the cards Canon wants? o
Antwort von Powerframe:

No. nich known, but it will record to 4:2:2. Simple in HDV (1440x1080), unfortunately: (
but I am very happy with the AX. No AVCHD codec just about 1:1 read in time to Mini-DV
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... think about the NAB? ... Exactly!
... Will the new model will be called XH-A2? ... Probably not, but that we will know it only when Canon has introduced the new.
... want to share is already known to whom the cards Canon? ... Possibly to CF, which would be very welcome, but to my knowledge, there is no official information. As a reliable technical data may perhaps be only the 1/3-Inch-Sensoren and watch the exciting recording format (MPEG2 with 50Mbps data rate and 4:2:2-scan). Everything else is still speculation.
... but it will record to 4:2:2. Simple in HDV (1440x1080), unfortunately ... It may be true that the new one HDV compatible mode receives an extra (which is perhaps even likely), but usually it is in FullHD, 1920x1080, therefore, to record. Resolutionder on the actual sensors, the course does not say nothing - which may well lie underneath.