Frage von Bertram Havemann:
I'm just on the Canon XH A1 pushed and was very surprised by reviews facts and figures test pictures.
Now I'm not firm with Canon.
What is ever the difference between the G1 and A1?
What has impressed me is the mechanical aperture of the Canon. That is an absolute novelty.
Currently I have the Z1 and eigendlich was satisfied. Only I always lacked a mechanical aperture s.Objetiv besides sharpness.
Previously I thought in the segment, there is not.
Complies with the Canon? What are the experiences in general and between SonyZ1 from Canon XH A1/G1? There should Sonyja lengths to be beaten.
Important are not my numbers, but rather benefits from the practice and the Picture impression.
How is the usability of the camera? Sonyist because very simple and understandable (comparable with a Nokia mobile phone in my opinion).
And the price difference is huge. If I sell my Z1 and growth would be the Canon, I would have still made profit.
Somehow, I can quite believe that yet .......
Can I have someone help?
Thanks in advance ...
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... Difference between the G1 and A1? ... The G1 has HD-SDI, Genlock, Time Code In / Out and the significantly higher price.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von rush:
Only I always lacked a mechanical aperture s.Objetiv besides sharpness.
Previously I thought in the segment, there is not.
Complies with the Canon? So as far as I know the A1 has no mechanical aperture. The ISTT Blendenrad in place but the whole is electrically and translated without the "attack" - ie you have no fixed aperture value but an endless wheel. But better than nothing:)
For quality, I can not say, however, was not yet synonymous Camera in hand although the price seems really interesting:)
Antwort von High_Tension:

So as far as I know the A1 has no mechanical aperture. The ISTT Blendenrad in place but the whole is electrically and translated without the "attack" - ie you have no fixed aperture value but an endless wheel. But better than nothing:)
For quality, I can not say, however, was not yet synonymous Camera in hand although the price seems really interesting:) To Blendenrad: Aperture is not the mechanical, ie the Aperture studenlos is not adjustable but only in fixed assets. However, the aperture ring to facilitate the handling s.Lens already significantly in contrast to Sony Einstellrädchen.
For image quality I can only in comparison to the Panasonic HVX200 (which is supposedly really great to be) say that I subjectively the XH-A1 lengths to find better. Even in comparison to the Sony, I believe that the XH lies ahead. Of course, always assuming that the correct use presets.
The advantages of the GGS in the G1 to A1 mE reckon that only if you use console and an external device for recording, a time code sync support. Should not both be the case you are going with the A1, in any case better.
To operate: the A1, everything is where it should. It has handles for the class (of the aperture ring apart) neither under-nor an above-operability.
Two drawbacks of the A1 are turning for me in everyday life: the small screen and a little silly tw drive (the latter is negligible). The often reported problems with CA, I can not confirm.
Hope to have helped, greetings
Antwort von masterseb:

I've s.and to the z1 s.großen screen compared. same subjective rather impressive building, which s.macht bright colors and more focus, but you can adjust. z1 of missing the full horizontal resolution, however. support is holding at Pooh canon, sony at this hui. purely from this basic, I would stay with sony. canon offers you the possibility to hold the chip and the color largely adapted according to your ideas. the monitor is in s.kleiner and not too robust. This has the s.25f (better than nothing) and mic att. makes all in all, slightly crisp image.