Frage von Butzow:
would like to see a new camcorder and Schwanke growth currently being negotiated between the canon and the h1a xl xh s.hoffe you can help me with the
Decision help.
What can the xlh1a because better than the xh a1, apart from the fact that you can change the lens?
In addition, I would be interested to know if the shoulder restraint of xlh1a a big help for quiet recordings from free hand
and whether its with the purchase until after Christmas, or would wait for the prices in the foreseeable future probably will not fall.
Thanks in advance
Antwort von handiro:

the xh electronical supposedly identical with the XL-H1A. The shoulder brace is definitely helpful. the price difference is huge. Prices jumbled running but as long as no new models will get out of the fall will be limited. I would say für nen Beginners enough xh s.völlig out!
Antwort von videotomi:

I myself have the XLH1A and would in no case more against another "swap".
However, it is only really as a shoulder mounted camcorder to use when the optional dual rear charger draufpackt and tidy with large Batteries complains (however it is sahneaustariert on the shoulder!)
Some other features, it has still more than the smaller sister (but partially in the "small" in the menu are hidden).
All the best
Antwort von Butzow:

Thank you for your answers.
That sounds to me a clear advantage for the Xl h1a.
Can be as synonymous with a "compact" as the Xha1 reasonably good images from free-hand, or would I do if I am then umbedingt a tripod?
Antwort von www-streamingkit-de:

The integrated Image Stabilization enables synonymous, just as precisely from the hand to film. Too easy (and therefore a trembling), it is not in any case. Just too far zoom in you should perhaps not necessarily.
We currently sell our Canon XH-G1 (= Canon XH A1 plus uncompressed HD_SDI out) on Ebay: Canon XH-G1 HDV Camcorder XH-A1 with HD SDI_W0QQitemZ290278545114QQcmdZViewItemQQptZFilmkameras_projektoren? Hash = item290278545114
1.12.2006 bought in Germany (but only max 10 tapes recorded!) And with 1 year Warranty.
Many greetings!