Frage von luki55:
I would like to see a Canon XM2 and buy now before've still a few questions. What is the XM2 in a bit from when it is dark? So rather s.dämmern not really in the night. Is there Noise? Because at my current cam, I even middle s.Tag image noise when the sun is shining. And the second question: Can a vlt. mal images of pictures or send me hierrein ask? So, for example, simply look at the window ausm Street s.Tag filmed so nix dolles. Wäre echt nett!
liebe grüße
Antwort von silentzero:

I have the XM2 and their relationships makes them really great pictures. The image noise depends, I would say, more of your settings. You can, synonymous in the dark, the aperture and shutter speed to settle down, that thou hast no image noise. However, the recording then usually so dark, that you no longer see;). But if you, like me for example in the manual settings on the Aperture 1.6, the shutter speed to 1 / 25 and the post Gainwert to 0, you can quietly in darker areas without excessive noise disturbing film.
Antwort von luki55:

ok, many thanks!
Antwort von Viejo:

I still have a question, I have here in this forum Slashcam read what I do not quite understand is:
Who in the XM2 film look in the direction of thinking, is about 16:9-looking Guides. Since only a marker in the Viewfinder appears, is synonymous with an ex post format decision is possible synonymous interesting is the subsequent correction of the screen, on average. Does this mean then that the viewfinders above and below small wafer-thin lines are, where you have the 16 : 9 or window looks like?
Antwort von luki55:

And you could vlt. or the diagonal measurement of screen? That would be super nice;)
Antwort von Login_vergessen:
Does this mean then that the viewfinders above and below small wafer-thin lines are, where you have the 16:9 screen looks or what?
Luki So it is ...
Antwort von Viejo:

Ok, thank you, this is obviously handy ..
Antwort von Viejo:

These lines are only there if you want 16:9 or film ever? So when XM2 shooting at 16:9, the image on the monitor is not deformed?
Antwort von Login_vergessen:

If only as a display feature Guides 16:9 "is selected, only the lines appear as guidance. In the "16:9" recording mode, the picture but then squashed.
Another remark on the "shutter speed" of 1 / 25: The images will have stroboskopartigen Effect ...
Antwort von Viejo:

What does "stroboskopartiger Effect"? That tells me nothing at all ^ ^ But I can but the shutter speed or switch? What value would you recommend for such recordings s.Tag with little bewökltem sky and sun?
Antwort von Axel:
What does "stroboskopartiger Effect"? That tells me nothing at all ^ ^ But I can but the shutter speed or switch? What value would you recommend for such recordings s.Tag with little bewökltem sky and sun? Stroboscope is not synonymous with 1 / 25, rather the opposite: Fast motion blur, since the exposure time is long. In unmoving motives irrelevant. In the battle scene s.Anfang of "Gladiator" are both short exposure times used (Strobo - Effect, the Picture jerky and unnatural acts sharp, because the motion blur is missing, is frantic action, increased exercise, adrenaline, speed, see the zombies synonymous in "28 Days Later") as synonymous long exposure times (as much motion blur in each frame, that blurred the outlines of what moves, attracting a tail behind him, stands for exhaustion, "blurred vision", influence of alcohol or tranquillizers) .
Little bewökltem sky and sun ...
Here, it should not come to image noise. High contrasts are difficult to master, probably recommend to the camcorder "ND on!". For exterior shots, a ND-filter good, s.besten of Cokin, because in the course of these filters can move, depending on where your horizon. You thus effectively spreads the contrast range of your recording. The sky may still have a little zebra.
Otherwise, I agree to Silentzero, dear without gain and incorporated to ensure that at least your main motive is enough light (Camlight?).
Antwort von Login_vergessen:

Stroboscope is not synonymous with 1 / 25 ... Yes, that's true. Under "stroboskopartig" one can perhaps imagine rather than to "increase the motion blur."
Ultimately, "shakes and blurring" movements in the Picture.
Except as the "effect" I have no reason, under 1 / 50 to go. When shooting with natural light is definitely not necessary reinforcement, rather the opposite (ND filter is a yes in the XM2 already installed) in order not to Aperture 16 shall be need. The best performance of the Focus Camera shall be between 4.8 - 5.6 lie.
Where's duster, then recording with 6dB gain still perfectly OK, then it will be "Grisel". Then helps only one head light. Whether the little "things" here was worth, I would doubt, however. It is synonymous but the use of a question. I am shooting for television, because then I take my 100W or 75W light head (but not limited to 'its XM2 ;-)) At the garden party is likely, however, so I very quickly as a "mood killer" kicked out ...
Antwort von Viejo:

Mhm .. I just did with the DVD of Gladiator bought .. And did with the effect not fully understood ^ ^ Is that as at 300 where Leonidas side of the Cam is accompanied?
Antwort von Viejo:
Mhm .. I just did with the DVD of Gladiator bought .. And did with the effect not fully understood ^ ^ Is that as at 300 where Leonidas side of the Cam is accompanied? Look at the pictures, after the sword in the log flown, and then synonymous. Earth flies through the air. Hold the picture in, and you see every Erdklumpen sharp as frozen (probably 1/1000tel).
When the battle is finished and the combatants to the elegiac music umherstapfen, smeared the Picture. Hold on again, and you will see that the motion blur in the frame is very extreme (probably 1/12tel).
Antwort von Viejo:

Ich hab grad mal with the the shutter speed on my current cam tested is nix dolles. But I do not see as distinguishing between 1 / 50 and 1 / 500 or higher (1 / 25, I can not choose when I goes as 1 / 25 in the XM2?) Only the higher the number after the / is the darker it is ... nothing with "drunk" effect or "gladiator-hectic-bilder" effect? I'm too stupid for this? ^ ^
Antwort von Login_vergessen:

No, not stupid ... the shorter the exposure time, the less light comes on the image converter = more "darker" the Picture. Fast motion but "clarified" detained. The "normal" exposure time is 1 / 50, the described effects with regard to the increased motion blur to make only 1 / 50 felt. If you come with your camera is not among them, you see nothing like this course, synonymous.
Minor exposure times (ie 1 / 100, 1 / 500, ...) are usually used to light when a small aperture to take and thus the depth of cut, that is as cinematic style funds (although 1 / 4 "chips as limited are), on the other, for example, in sports photography (leg motion of a sprinter, etc.) the motion blur as far as possible.
Should one for "normal shots" not in spite ND1/64 at 16 of its aperture, shutter of one can safely leave the fingers.
Antwort von norgold:

Ach so. So had the gladiators in the battle, where with 1/1000tel have filmed the whole scene totally illuminate light to a normal brightness to achieve it?
Antwort von norgold:
Ach so. So had the gladiators in the battle, where with 1/1000tel have filmed the whole scene totally illuminate light to a normal brightness to achieve it? Exactly.
Antwort von norgold:

Many many thanks. Finally we could explain it to me one:)