Infoseite // Canon camcorder, but no DV input s.PC

Frage von D-Town City:

Hello, give my wife a Mini DV camcorder to the feast of Canon, incl editing software Pinnacle Studio 9
Now that I've unpacked the part, I note the surprise, which should be the connection to the PC via a DV cable 4-4 or 4-6 / must.
On my PC but I have no adequate Input.Was can / should I do?

I dine on my digital camera into your PC USB ein.Geht when the camcorder synonymous?


Antwort von jasmin61:


your calculator needs a firewire card.
Read here to there everything is written.

PS: Mark-seller is highly recommended!


Antwort von jens:

And here he is again synonymous ... the most cited of the Forum link:
FireWire FAQ">Markus' bestseller ....


Antwort von jasmin61:

Two is better ;-)


Antwort von Voltz:

Capture via USB, I would in any case. This interface is for the reading of DV material is not suitable.

No reason to fall into a panic: Obtain in stores any old firewire card, and build it into the PC. Costs about 15 - to 20, - Euro.
Pinnacle past there were times even a studio version, in with firewire card was in the box.


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