Frage von MPPLAY:
'm New here and have a question ...
Have launched a new upgrade to Edius 4.0 Pro installed and will ... synonymous everything went very well ... Now, unfortunately, only found in places that are no longer my two originals and Photo Album Xplode install because of alleged lack of supported editing software should be installed ... evt who had to make a tip, or the same experiences?
Liebe Grüße
Antwort von WeiZen:

Xplode will come in October for an update, photo album probably not. Look at over.
Antwort von MPPLAY:

Good morning,
do you know the problem synonymous?
why is previously on such problems do not even informed of canopus?
am canopus locked forum, because I have always criticized at the time the bad German website ...
what have you done for experiences with Edius far?
gruß martin
Antwort von WeiZen:

I still installed the 3 Series and only the DEMO of the 4.
Besides the known new features and bugs that I find especially nice that now is the original recording time in HQ or m2t format in the properties of the clip so far. When Xplode and Procoder2, Procoder2 already goes, integration work, synonymous to buy the update, not ore.
Now what Manufacturer informs its customers about things not working? With Ulead synonymous I could sing a song about it.
Photo album itself I have not.
Antwort von MPPLAY:

Good morning,
I Edius fan since the 1.0 version and went through all the other versions. With the average time I began to premiere on ... bought and then Storm2 Edius 1.0. I have not regretted it synonymous.
with effects of Edius it looks at home is rather thin ... have just bought so synonymous xplode4.0 and photo album. I rendere much in my videos and animations tie a ... as vorspann etc.
producible quality paramters of the canopus always fascinated me when I see the finished projects on dvd. I could provoke the transition to HDTV ... But in that moment are still too large costs associated.
Its biggest shortcoming I see with Edius and xplode in the poor utilization of a good vga card ... unfortunately
you treiebern experiences with nvidia and?
I still use the age-old 61.77 drivers so synonymous xplode effects in real-time kontroll run on my monitor.
And with the xplode you know 100% that an update will come tig.
has been reported on the canopus forum?
gruß martin
Antwort von WeiZen:
Good morning,
And with the xplode you know 100% that an update will come tig.
has been reported on the canopus forum? It is / was a newer version of EDIUS scheduled beginning of October. In this version, synonymous Xplode want to include support.
This version is for technical reasons, something had been pushed backward. If Japan does not support the Xplode füher singles out there, and then brings it may take nochwas.
Yours sincerely,
Stephan Kexel
Canopus Ltd. Furthermore funtioniert now probably synonymous to Consolidate function reliably.
A medium-sized project with about 150 GB and has been thoroughly reviewed consolidiert: no errors
Also a big project created Edius 3.62 Project of 60 minutes length with about 290 GB / 6 video + 3 audio tracks + 3 + traces psd.Graphiken 50 was loaded into EDIUS 4:03 and as "New Project" with about 2 seconds and meat consolidiert to about 60 GB of "shrunk"
Results: No errors!
Title Motion will be installed package of Engisch CD2 and again demanded old TM CD (out of EDIUS 3)
Adorage plug is of the English. Bonus CD installed
Heroglyph plug-in is learning course on DVD
Xplode for Edius
Almost all eat the buffer effects already after 1.5 sec!
EDIUS 3.62 in the most complex 3D effects of Xplode Pro have run at least 20 to 30 sec.
dll of EDIUS 3
D3d7ati.dll GraKa for ATI / Nvidia D3d7nv.dll GraKa
Copy the directory "Programs/Canopus/EDIUS4/XplodeEDIUS/Stages.
Now you can adjust in the config again the GraKa specific accelerators, as in EDIUS 3.x.
And stop Xplode for EDIUS Effects rather than as previously at 1.5 sec, but now run again until about 15 sec
This represents a performance increase by a factor of 10
Image Import
960 x 720 is an image format when importing into a 4:3 project distorted in 16:9.
Addendum to the image import is: ifs 961x721, then it works.
BTW, are you the video doctor?
Antwort von MPPLAY:

Many thanks for the flood of information ... is only a pity that one always needs tinkering to get running perfectly for Edius to ... since the last one is missing the point of professionalism ...
a small s.dich please ... you could stephan Kexel views with respect to responding to lock my ... I can not reach s.ihn ... would be very happy to participate again in the canopus forum!
my username is there the same ...
I would be very pleased!
gruß martin
Antwort von WeiZen:

I do.
Antwort von MPPLAY:

thank you ... would be a nice birthday present for me ... I s.11.10.06 namely 44zigsten ... unfortunately
so what you are cutting for projects and how much you care for animation?
gruß martin
Antwort von WeiZen:

Here your gift in advance: You are again released!
so what you are cutting for projects and how much you care for animation? HDV, travel, educational films, documentaries.
Antwort von MPPLAY:

dear ulrich,
Vieln thanks for your efforts fast ...
am very pleased ... Unfortunately I had already read for say the first few rows in the forum, which has not changed much ... It still seems to be the same as it was then herumhackerei ...
would not let me now, provocation, as it gives some synonymous to bypass the rational with the forum and appreciate it when others something heraustüfteln.
am now eagerly awaiting the update to xplode and hope that one can still synonymous for an update of deciding photoalbum 2.0.
you should do once synonymous thoughts on re-factor of the drivers ... it puts so much potential in the graphics cards of today ... synonymous, the former has been ti serie never completely exhausted ... shame really ...
if you evt times screensaver or the like need you like you can request mal ... concern myself intensively synonymous with special effects of after effect.
And we greet a beautiful love