Frage von Ulrich H:
I have the opportunity for very little money a card including Canopus Edius NX Pro 4 to get. The price is so low that I'm seriously s.Zweifeln if there is anything approaching with the right things. Have contact with the seller and to ask about the reasons. He tells me that he seitAnfang s.with Edius works, but now the final full mouth had. It must be with his video machine to earn money and has no desire Zeiz and more on adventure and incompetent Programs. Synonymous He claims that he is not with HDV can record, its graphics card does not provide support for effects, etc.
I can only hard to imagine, however, are synonymous here, opinions vary and the test video in Active ranks behind Edius and Premiere Elements Magix On.
Can anyone here confirm the Capturschwierigkeiten someone has the NX and can capture HDV? canopusforum comes to you only as a member.
Finger weg?
Thank you, Ulrich
Antwort von Mato:

how much?
Antwort von prem:
i. ... canopusforum comes to you only as a member.
Finger weg?
Thank you, Ulrich you can very easily with a valid email address to register.
That I made synonymous, although I do not Canopusprodukt bought.
Antwort von wolfgang:

The active video test is extremely controversial - a discussion to find synonymous approximately synonymous here:
Antwort von UlrichH:

I was actually at Canopus and logged a few hours to read. The negative reports you read about Edius will not only confirmed but are still much worse than elsewhere mitbekommt.Auch contact with some members there has confirmed the problems are almost synonymous in new packages. That is so massive cancellations comes to problems is clear. If several of dealers confirmed of 4 respondents said that only a large whole + half is positive, then tenor: Canopus has always had difficulties with Edius, the fiddle is already out. Well thank you.
I will be a great arc around the company making the thousands, I will create more.
to Wolfgang
About tests can always argue, I know none of my programs which is why the no preference, the wailing and teeth rattling the user appears after each test of their expectations not bestätigt.Kinderkram.
Thanks for the information.
Antwort von Tersil:

Well I have thee still a fairly neutral discussion linked. In the same Canopus forum where the users then complain about the problems, some users had an active digital video apparently s.liebsten gelücht, we would have had them there.
One should not hold on to see that these things always with strong exaggeration and hyperbole is approaching. For better or for worse.
Antwort von hock juergen:

I just wanted to look at the original question.
So I work for a long time with Edius and now have 8 months with the NX card. I can prima HD material in real time abpielen, fade, a class Farbkorektur Duchführung. And as I said everything in real time on multiple tracks on my SonyTV I s.den Component output of the card angschlossen habe.Das program läuift absolutely stable and the support of the company is Canopus vorbildlich.Auf test results of the magazines you earn money with advertising, I Personally, nothing. Even though I myself have subscribed to me to keep.
Best regards
Antwort von Bamboo:

Hello from Hochrhein
Work Edius Version 1.0 has been about 1.5 since the release now with 3:21 Edius PRO. However, only in DV. Have had a complete system with 2 Storm acquired, and can say that it runs without problems. The real-time capability (P4 / 3.02) is enormous. Much do I need to think, forest and meadow films did not. Convincing is the stability - crashes? What is it?
When working with HDV is such a thing, as with all, what's new on the market. Often it is because sometimes with limitations and live experiments, as it were, test pilot - think synonymous s.Schnitt of Mpeg 4 H264.
Antwort von Bamboo:

Canopus Edius and products are already very good! Especially in terms of quality and real-time capability, there is nothing better.
One must, however, to the hardware ensure that should be compatible, then there are no major problems.
Edius Premiere is to Lengths ahead and clearly more stable! On Avid, I have worked a long time, it can not compare.
The video asset test is also totally and partially wrong and very incomplete, everyone knows the Edius knows that
Antwort von PowerMac:
(...) At the test results of the magazines you earn money with advertising, I personally did not. (...) That someone can just say that the idea of journalism has not. It's always about money, politics and power. But not so primitive that test results be made intentionally bad. Of course, always synonymous test reports of subjective nature, may be superficial and incomplete, but this software has its "shortcomings", many users in various forums reported das If a test report, the challenges, the good and true. Those in which it works are natüriich always call fraud and treason.
Antwort von Bamboo:

Only the active video review does not mäng up what users complain, but has concealed important things simple, just one example: multicam editing, or the best real-time performance, because others just do not come with.
And people who have complained about problems, have criticized this test later! What does it mean now? There you can see that the test must be totally beside. The tester has to do with the product does not address.
Also, Canopus has some shortcomings soon resolved.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
Edius Premiere is to Lengths ahead and clearly more stable! Surface, you know holding the functionality of P-Pro 2.0 is not obvious, they are higher than for Edius. In addition, Edius and P-Pro2.0 on my system the same stable, neither here nor there crashes ect. ... The real-time capability of Edius is higher, I do not dispute. However, if you are with the Project s.die real time limits of the reserved Rampuffer for HDV editing, then Edius remains with the famous Blong is because the buffer is leergelaufen. Then you have a fresh start to make the timeline and then after a few seconds ... Blong For P-Pro2.0 hit me with the project progress at intervals times the Enter button, then the pre preview, I prefer it. When I look at the whole project now in the preview will then run through the Project synonymous without interruptions. In the case of Edius makes it perhaps already after 3-5 Sec Blong and preview, then hold button and timeline restart and it goes back a few seconds for next ...
When I do the hard work "40 years" of Ulrich eg with Edius look, then I have great respect for Ulrich and the successful work. But exactly this project is with a lot less time spent in P-Pro 2.0 solvable. I can say that because I have a similar project has also even in P-Pro 1:51 still were ready.
Be happy with Edius, P-Pro, Liquid, or Vegas. I believe it is only important that you exercise a lot to upgrade the skills of the NLE to be able to fully exploit. I had several NLEs, because I was on the lookout for something about my desire to be creative, with Premiere Pro, After Effects and PhotoShop, I have wanted for me the tool found and I'm still far away this tool to exploit 100% can, in every project but I'm one step next.
I hope you enjoy editing s.DV and in a happy 2007!
Antwort von Bamboo:

However, if you are with the Project s.die real time limits of the reserved Rampuffer for HDV editing, then Edius remains with the famous Blong is because the buffer is leergelaufen. Then you have a fresh start to make the timeline and then after a few seconds ... Blong
As Edius owner you should know, however, that exactly this behavior in the settings of the program can switch off! It has just the setup that you either can terminate the reproduction, if not more 25fps can be provided, or just continue with less fps (which is often synonymous nor sufficient).
Much practice is really important.
Antwort von Bamboo:

What makes Edius is a real picture in full quality and with the real-time, during my first thumbnail pixilated displays.
If Edius stops your calculator is perhaps too slow, you can be synonymous, the time of the preliminary set, which is the buffer to fill more time there.
Premiere may be more Schnick-Schnack Effects, but the essential and important things are simply better Edius solved.
But in any Enddefekt must know yourself. Everyone has a different opinion and other tasks.
Therefore everyone should choose what he s.besten cope. Therefore, such discussions eingentlich superfluous, but we still like to participate so it :-)
Antwort von mdb:

A colleague of free (image technology and cutting) is of Edius Premiere at times (we must assume he AVID). He is so excited that he has for a long production (without getting paid extra to have) its own system in our building, just with Edius cutting.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
As Edius owner you should know, however, that exactly this behavior in the settings of the program can switch off! It has just the setup that you either can terminate the reproduction, if not more 25fps can be provided, or just continue with less fps (which is often synonymous nor sufficient). Yes exactly, that is no longer real-time playback (less fps !)..., So no advantage more ...
Antwort von torti3005:

but then again no later than RT when the bandwidth of the project is permitted and all better than the preview quality in RT NON throughout Project and it is precisely in Prempro.
even if the target 40s Project in Prempro different, slimmer gegebenenfals help in this special case no longer be moved if Preview is not a dual core Pc Quadquad act.
Antwort von torti3005:
As Edius owner you should know, however, that exactly this behavior in the settings of the program can switch off! It has just the setup that you either can terminate the reproduction, if not more 25fps can be provided, or just continue with less fps (which is often synonymous nor sufficient).
Yes exactly, that is no longer real-time playback (less fps !)..., So no advantage more ... Also this is not exactly true - down to approximately 12 to 15 fps can be the cause of sufficiently good judge of values higher fps values would grow.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Why is actually in your cover as a "guest"?
Shows you look with the full name so that you know with whom we discussed ...
Antwort von torti3005:

Say me as a guest s.ich do it but synonymous. The same answer you would have of me getting XXX synonymous or synonymous as a guest because I am no preference is whether you are a Hennek did or not and only a written statement on competence.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Garlic meal.
Antwort von Konrad:

Hi Ulrich,
hopefully you have the fingers of the left card. I too have great difficulty with this part. After changing motherboard went first garnicht more. The calculator then 3 days in dealer confessed to at least one had a suitable board. It has been there the hair gerauft.Die support number of Canopus Germany was never to reach. My dealer gives me just an offer for Final Cut and / or Avid to nem Mac / win. Fortunately I've not purchased Edius 4. The verbugt be worse than my 3er.
I advise everyone the finger of Grass Valley / Canopus lassen.Mag to his service in the D still halfway works, here in Spain, you're helpless, no one here knows the company.
Regards, Konrad
Antwort von wolfgang:

Strange - because it is holding to a dealer, and is of the device together. Any PC-dealer is expected to do as hard.
In Spain there are at least here:
Spain: Distributors
Ctra. Matadepera, 206,
Terrassa (Barcelona) 08226
Tel: +34 937 34 99 70
Fax: +34 937 35 17 29 @ info.canopus Canopus
Antwort von chmee:
- Manufacturer thoughts in forums -- Believe you not, that is exactly where the statements rather
which have been negative?
1. If a service platform for solving problems there.
(Even though it is often not a solution exists)
2. Where should the user because their frustration to get rid of, if not
on the official Page?
3. Is it the people in general much easier to trouble
want to get rid of, than to thank.
But look into other companies' forums, because you will not synonymous
Read hymns of praise, but rather problem-nominations.
- For Edius -- Bin PremP stayed at, so just because I'm faster. But
rather s.der reluctance to Learn / Switch. But it was stable.
mfg chmee
Antwort von Ethan:
Strange - because it is holding to a dealer, and is of the device together. Any PC-dealer is expected to do as hard.
In Spain there are at least here:
Spain: Distributors
Ctra. Matadepera, 206,
Terrassa (Barcelona) 08226
Tel: +34 937 34 99 70
Fax: +34 937 35 17 29 @ info.canopus Canopus thank Wolfgang for the great tip! This dealer is only just under 1100 n.of Marbella removed because it is holding times out!
No, totally different things to do there. Leave this unreliable Outsiderkram there is where he belongs. In the shelves of the manufacturer. Never again such a small breeder program.
Since it is to halt dealer, I get too much
[/ i]
Antwort von Ethan:

Dear Konrad, you only Spain had written - and not where you just sit there geographically.
If your PC dealer does not halt the relevant expertise, who can be there now for what? Probably the closest dealer, who would hold the same could be said that he is with this kind of hardware do not know. Or have you leveled him with pistols forced to accept the job?
Antwort von Ethan:

I think the Edius / Canopus sensitive to the
computer configuration, and the sequence of
installation reacts.
I have no problems with edius4 and find it
more liquid and more professional than app1.5
gruß cj