Frage von rudi_ratlos:
Unfortunately, there is no board for Let's EDIT - so here's my entry.
Question s.The experts among you:
Who of you working with Let's EDIT 2 and knows synonymous Pinnacle Studio 9 or 10 so well that he can answer the usFragen.
Due to my request:
I work for a few years with Studio 8, 9 +, and 10 +. 10 + The version I have removed and after extensive testing with some frustration from the PC again, and working at the moment with Studio (is stable, and supplies), most usable results.
I mostly dubbing VHS tapes to burn them to DVD. Great effects on I do not care. The only thing that needs to work what is the distribution of the material into chapters, and a halfway respectable menu on the DVD, with which the chapters can be jumped to.
Previously, I have the VHS tapes with the Dazzle DVC-150 played via USB (MPEG). Closing due to bad experiences with MPEG material in terms of A / V sync, I got me the Canopus ADVC-55 converter. So I now play everything a via IEEE1394 as AVI footage, and edit this with Studio 9.3.5.
My PC: P-4-520 2.8 GHz, 1GB RAM, ATI Radeon 9550 - 128 MB, two hard disks, XP Prof. SP2. I work in the IT field, and have, therefore, my "toys" as far as drivers and other, tip-top maintained for optimal performance. For Pinnacle Studio 10 is s.Limit but this hardware.
I have the serious intention of Pinnacle to say goodbye, and switch on Let's EDIT 2, if I have the assurance that the software meets my needs.
So my questions s.euch:
1. Can we create with Let's EDIT 2 DVD-like menus, as synonymous with Pinnacle Studio?
(In fact, I already pre Downloaded Manual find no evidence!)
2. Let's EDIT 2 is running stable? Maybe on my not quite cutting-edge PC even slightly better performance as Studio 9 +, or at least like Studio 10 +
3. If the DVD material, which "comes back" out) clean synchronously (Audio / Video?
Thanks for any answer
Best regards from Salzburg
Antwort von prem:

to1) No! LE2 contains no authoring. One can first play a DVD with chapter marks and create and share.
ZU2) definitely yes
zu3) also: definitely yes
Antwort von rudi_ratlos:

Thanks for dieHinweise.
Create DVD menus (authoring) would have the program but for my purposes absolutely can.
Why are they any good, the chapter markers that you can produce as per Manual with Let's Edit?
Is there perhaps a plug-in for Let's Edit, which the program adds this missing authoring function?
Thanks for any further relevant information.
Cordial greetings from Salzburg
Antwort von stjof:

Create DVD menus (authoring) would have the program but for my purposes absolutely can.
>> Then you should use an authoring program, and thus complement LE2, because menus are not available
Why are they any good, the chapter markers that you can produce as per Manual with Let's Edit?
>> The chapter markers that you create can enable it to you within your movie / DVD of your time while playing to skip.
GNP: You have a movie that is 90 minutes long and sets every 15 minutes a chapter mark. Then you Chapter 1 (1-15 min) Chapter 2 (15-30 min) Chapter 3 (30-45 min), etc. If you have your film on DVD then you can by Skiptaste For starters of Chapter 1 Go to Chapter 3 . The simplest example would be equipped with chapters on advertising, although there would be thoughtful advertising simply rauszuschneiden. Otherwise, a possible multiple episodes of a series in a long file would pack up and provide the beginnings of each chapter with brands.
Is there perhaps a plug-in for Let's Edit, which the program adds this missing authoring function?
>> As far as I know, no.
Antwort von hannes:

> Is there a plug-in for Let's Edit
I have been working for years with LE and have the DVD functionality has never been used.
I may just not "egg-laying Wollmilchsäue.
I capture with ScLive. (which is synonymous with LE but good) is
I cut (s.Laptop) with LE.
I authore with MovieFactory of ULEAD.
These are all Programs to help make their job well and have been specifically designed for it, no "all-rounders" who want to nix reasonable.
Oh yes, one more thing:
If you manage to get LE2 to crash, I give one of (;-))