Frage von felix75:
of Hercules got a firewire card for capturing worried. Driver installation without problems and Camera (SonyPC 5) is di'rekt recognized. Then I tried in Movie Maker to capture, the tape runs off but the preview shows nothing and it is not synonymous with the transaction file as ... The Movie maker thinks only with what device control ... you should check whether the device is properly connected.
Hab thought the problem lies with the Movie Maker ... So quickly the "great" enclosed software video studio 6 DVD (or so) installed .... and as he says to me while capturing the s.wieder nix arrives ... funzt control the device, but apparently not the data (fig. / ton).
Can you please help me ...
Antwort von Georg:

or so ...
Which operating system?
Firewire card and camcorder through the BS must be recognized.
Antwort von nomulus:

OS is win XP SP2 firewirkarte is detected and drivers were auto install of win ... cam is synonymous recognized wiegesagt I can only get no control signals ...
... or so? ;)
Antwort von Georg:

Video Studio 6 is no longer the new program. Is there a correct recording plugin set? From which version I now know not, but up version 10 could be the Aufnahemplugin under "Tools / Recording Plugin" switch. Maybe VS11 times as trial try.
Antwort von nomulus:

I do not believe that it is s.programm, windows movie maker was so synonymous the cam control but did not receive signals ...
Antwort von Markus:

Welcome to Luxembourg
times you work through the contribution
Wenn Firewire nicht (richtig) funktioniertWinDV.