Frage von Billy-Ray:
I'm absolutely thrilled of this website / forum / links.
I previously had very primitive digitally recorded videos as avi on the calculator and then nero vision short films made.
The whole has so much fun and I have received so much positive feedback that I did something professional approach wanted.
Initially, I had me a JVC Everio bought and was very disappointed of the poor image quality.
I then pushed on this website and got a Canon HV 20 purchased. Am now somewhat confused, because apparently no simple capture program will be supplied to the MiniDV / HDV recording on the calculator to play. Nero Vision does not recognize the camcorder (Maybe it HDV).
've Obviously already searched the forum but no concrete statements gefunden.Es will probably assume that one already owns the software?
1.What should I software growth: Adobe Premiere, Pinnacle, or Final Cut (probably not)?
But soon appears 2.Es Adobe Premiere Elements 4th Should I wait as long?
I'm sorry that I have such-Beginners questions and look forward to your tips.
Antwort von DerBruno:

My tip to capture: the free program HDVsplit
This allows you to record as. M2t stream (MPEG) onto your calculator out. Did synonymous Scene ID and just works and (for me) problems.
Then I recommend you just a few test version of the "usual suspects" (editing programs) and download a few days (or weeks) a try. The editing program will be your workshop and you should know whether you can implement this so that what you want ;-)
The Bruno
Antwort von Billy-Ray:

Thanks Bruno,
I will try, but it is funny that my calculator and my notebook the camcorder does not recognize when I connect it. Nero Vision and windows movie maker reported no connected device and not synonymous with job listing.
I have times the test reports of the most popular editing programs for beginners to read and think that I tend Adobe Premiere Elements.
Since coming s.11.10. the 4th version out, which seems s.sinnvollsten, because HDV (2). On my calculator is probably a bit shaky but on the notebook should hopefully run.
When the first all funzt, is a professional equipment synonymous nix the system. I'm only offering of options and sheer yet.
Was a few years time on a mac so fair and have informed me. Have been synonymous with Final Cut and still worked G4 NEN rumstehen but apple is for me a too big change. Professional and private always MS.
Because of the technical terms, with those being discussed here, I suppose at times that most probably a training in this area who have ...
Well, as always synonymous, movies are the greatest!
Antwort von DerBruno:

Billi-Ray, is your Windows (or other OS) uptodate? Does the FireWire interface correctly (bad: For Windows a yellow exclamation in Device Manager)? If everything is ok then try it again with HDVsplit - so you may avoid problems in your programs and make a completely 'naked' access to the camcorder.
If it still does not work, google me, or look here:
The Bruno
Antwort von Billy-Ray:

Habe mir winDV played on the notebook, which is still very new.
Dell Precision M90
Intel Core 2 CPU T5500 1,66 GHz 981 MHz, 1 Gig of RAM (I will expand)
graphics card:
NVIDA Quadro FX 1500M
However, the camcorder connected via USB only, no firewire (not supplied).
Nevertheless, the calculator is a device register.
In nero, windows movie maker and winDV always. "No video device found".
Nothing yellow in Device Manager.
The recordings I have made in HDV, if that is captured with the USB only in normal quality DV recording, I have understood it in any case ...
I'm grateful for any help.
Antwort von Quadruplex:
However, the camcorder connected via USB only, no firewire (not supplied).
Nevertheless, the calculator is a device register. Take Firewire and nothing else ...
Guckst you