Frage von C3BO:
Hi folks,
There are harbingers of where the CCD's break? Has anyone here experience with broken CCD's in the SonyVx1000? What did the repair (where?) Cost?
What can be reasons for his broken CCD's and CCD's have an imminent life?
Education 4 life ... :)
mfg. Chris
Antwort von Peter06:

why would you?
Antwort von C3BO:

Hi Peter,
I once had a short time the problem that my viewfinders (we speak of Vx1000e) a complete picture shown is pink. As she was about s.einen Firewire Pc connected. (- However, the Pc the Cam not detected) I have the cam off the Firewire connection and turned on the cam again. Since I had the problem no longer exists.
How exactly the picture looked, whether it has geflackert, .. whether there were bands I do not know more ..
I wanted to hear after just how big the risk is that I am in the next few weeks, possibly with a CCD failure to have or how much a repair would be.
(of course no one can assure me that, or in% indicate it is .. do not stop there .. I just wanted to get me on the consequences / experiences inform)
Thank you for your reply ..
Antwort von Toccamonium:

The VX-1000 still the original Flexkabel, which is internal to the Viewfinder? If yes, then it might be related.
Also, if so, would it be advisable even a new order.
The original flat cable in the VX are folded 3 times and is a fold of the viewfinder when panning always claimed and can break. The new ones are designed differently and are no longer folded. Cost around 60 ¬ at the DIY installation. There are a synonymous Instructions on the Net, but only tens of screws to be solved and of course you should have some skill.
Antwort von Toccamonium:

Hey Ulrich,
as far as I know, the cam still on the old cable and this "infantile disease" of Vx is synonymous me know.
To the language of medicine to stay, has a ribbon cable (to) / shatter the same symptoms, such as a CCD failure? :)
mfg. C3Bo
Antwort von Peter06:

I can well imagine that it is s.kabel.
Here's what übrigends of your vx1000 from:
Antwort von Toccamonium:

No idea how a CCD failure looks like. I do, however, the CDD at a loss until only one color disappears.
It reads honest with you, such as the cable problem.
Screw-on times and after looking carefully whether it is indented, the folding s.Monitor.
If you no dealer wants to provide on-site, I provide you, as ever here someone from the forum last year. You get it, despite looking different still.
Antwort von Udo Schröer:
I can well imagine that it is s.kabel.
Here's what übrigends of your vx1000 from: Class link!
Now at least I know how my FX1 of inside looks.
Antwort von fotoralf:

Here there seems to be quite a powerful concept confusion.
To clarify:
= CCD recording chip in the camera part
LCD = built small 'screen' of the viewfinder
The flexible conductor film, which sometimes breaks down, one of the viewfinders, so the LCD. With the CCD image converter camera they are nothing to be done. And now begins your s.besten again in front of. :-)
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
Here there seems to be quite a powerful concept confusion. Uh, why? One of the suspected defect in the CCD, the other types tend to viewfinders or cable ...
Antwort von C3BO:

So looks like! :)
Thank you for the many responses (especially for the inner link) I guess I'll just watch next film and what is ...
In the case of a broken CCD, someone with repair experience?
mfg. Chris!
Antwort von Peter06:

Do you have warranty?
If not, and if it is really the Flexkabel, look at the times of: