Frage von rainermann:
I'm looking for 2-3 cheap HD cameras, which do not have much - except provide a reasonably good picture in addition to the EX1.
Background: Get well often times a concert (choir, Classic ...) and would like to turn it to use the EX1 as the main camera and use 2-3 small HDs set on tripods for a couple of slices and shot.
Most will still always delivered on DVD / SD, but synonymous to HD, it should not look too bad, if desired (these are jobs with very low budget, meaning the quality of the EX1 to be achieved since not really). What do you mean, what's there in the 1000 - even decent? Have informed me lately more in the price range AF-100 or EX3, because I have the range 800 - 1000 - 1500, - ¬ no longer noticed Sun
The whole DSLR would indeed have been interesting, if only these limits of 20 or so minutes. would be ... The concerts usually go to the 1.5 to 2 hours ...
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Search the net for times "HD Dome Camera dieeignen quite well for
B. DeKid