Frage von Proximo:
I have the article on the Chromatte screen displayed, a kind of blue screen that uses a light ring around the lens is illuminated. I think pretty awesome, but I understand a thing is not: The ring of light would still synonymous light on the person in front of blue screen, throw or not? Or is the light of the light ring so weak that the noRolle plays. Please clarify my views on
A post here on the Forum
Antwort von Martin D. Bartsch:

I here the article on the screen Chromatte have found a kind of blue screen, the
: Is illuminated using a light ring around the lens around. I find quite
: Great, but I understand one thing not: The ring of light would still synonymous
: Shedding light on the person in front of blue screen, or not? Or is the light of
: The ring of light so weak that the noRolle plays. Please clarify my views on
The special background is like the so-called cat's eyes, the reflectors on the road. That is, the light is just thrown in the direction back to where it comes from, so the light from the ring of light into the camera. Because of the "perfect" reflection it can be kept low, the more you see it not on other surfaces. Whether you notice the white balance a difference, I do not know.
Antwort von Proximo:

: The special background is like the so-called cat's eyes, the reflectors in
: Road. That is, the light is thrown right in the direction back to where it
: Comes from, so the light from the ring of light into the camera. Because of the
"Perfect" reflection it can be kept low, to post it on
: Other surfaces are no longer sees. Whether the white balance a difference
: See, I do not know.
yes, something like that I had geadacht me. Sounds very promising. The angle at which the light from then plays probably synonymous nogroße matter anymore. Although: Assuming the screen is at an angle to the camera, then the light rays have put a great distance for different off Lens back. So they lose synonymous s.Strahlungsintensität differently. in which case the screen would be darker toward the rear.