Frage von Kampfkeks1994:
first contribution.
I have the following problem.
I have created a 642 frame long animation. Now I will ausrendern ma. Setting an all peniebel. PNG images, Quick Time format, 25 frames etc.
I only have 32 bit system. So he only uses 2 of 4 processors.
I let the thus run over night.
The next morning I see that the file size is 60 mb and only half rendered.
Cinema 4D using s.dem morning, only 25% CPU.
Somehow I managed it he draws 99% of CPU.
But he did not vorran. I interrupted.
Then I wanted to render the day, but he stopped s.der same frame.
What is it?
I've set, all frames .... I have also set 0-642 frames .....
What am I doing wrong?
Antwort von Ringkeeper:

Something is with you lazy, because if you have a quad core would render it synonymous with four nuclei.
32bit plays no role.
Antwort von Kampfkeks1994:

Render in Picture Okay there are 4 bars to render synonymous ...
Okay, but does not matter.
Why is always the same s.der in place?