Frage von Miki:
Which is better and easier, or Max Cinema 4D
Antwort von LuFaHa:

An answer to this question can only be viewed through their own subjective taste.
Both are very extensive functional 3D Animation Programs.
3D's Max is - I think - is often synonymous used for PC games, while Cinema 4d of the Hollywood studios will be used less (although this Alias | Wavefront Maya Maya at the top) is available.
Referenhzen can be found on the sites of the Manufacturer.
Personally, I think a lot of Maxon Cinema 4D, especially as it once so synonymous can support a German Manufacturer. A major advantage is the rather steep learning curve, that is sometimes good think you can handle it.
But how you compare only Cinema 4D and 3D's Max? Alias | Wavefront Maya Maya (see above) should be included in this Comparison still synonymous with, right?
But if you do not tell us, for what purpose you want to use one or the other, we can not tell you what this can be a better or something that the others are better suited.
-> Googel but time and make yourself your own picture ...
Antwort von Miki:

Hello Thank you for antewort
I need only music video I once heard synonymous for Alias | Wavefront Maya Maya
But I know it is not what you think of what would be the best music video
Antwort von LuFaHa:

If you begin with 3D Animation Cinema 4D is definitely the most sensible. As long as you indiesem area not so well acquainted with Cinema 4D, there is really nothing that you can miss. Maxon also provides good material (including all manuals as PDF's) for the entry. Look at Maxon, download the demo and the PDF's. Then decide whether it will satisfy your desires.
Antwort von Miki:

I have a DVD to learn Cinema 4D I purchased time I try to learn edwas op.
Thanks again