Frage von Krego:
I now do the last 3 months, event videos for an online portal called Clubix. Since most Leien look at these videos, I post the link here, at times expert advice and suggestions for improvement. In addition to other topics I noticed that many of you are already a little older and want to feel a little bit earlier, perhaps again of what the atmosphere of.
Download's here: -> Sachsen-Anhalt/Sachsen -> Pix -> ClubixTV of 10.06.06 and 20.05.06 are the last 2 projects.
I'd look through witty comments;)
Antwort von mkrawietz:

Hello Oloya,
I could not watch video yet, but I have another question: How do you s.solche contracts and pay the expenses in the Fee Comparison for yes (probably not the world)?
Antwort von Krego:

I was so delighted with s.Partys begun turning to video and produce. Even then, I have the videos of drinking nights and birthday parties looked happy again, because nunmal videos speak louder than pictures and watch as long as I still get goosebumps when s.and too, I already Genung. Hach I am now again come into raptures .... sorry .... now back to the question.
The effort paid off at the moment in Comparison to the fee for me. Still I save the moment for ne VX 2100 to make better videos. :)