Frage von slash-tutti:
Yesterday I had my "300" watched on TV.
Since one can only say Wow. It is inconceivable that
almost the entire film in the studio was rotated
and then by post to the absolute Production Hit
was converted. Critics have his mouth
almost to stop staring, mass
People were enthusiastic of the terrific video image ...
Color Grading in great profusion, lovely!
Antwort von Axel:
Critics have his mouth
almost to stop staring, mass
People were enthusiastic of the terrific video image ...
Color Grading in great profusion, lovely! * Smart ass mode on *
Masses of people (rather, many) were excited ...
* Smart ass mode off *
Zack Snyder is as smart content we reactionary. Sparta, defender of the West, vs. the Persians. Has no one noticed?
Watchmen: It is better to go a few million Hopps by the atomic bomb as a salutary shock to the whole human race as ever to just babble about peace. Irony? Sarkasmas perhaps, but ironically came across not. None has trimmed?
Legends of the Guardian ....?
Antwort von PowerMac:

Lots of people. Soso.
Antwort von Axel:

I think
masses of people is synonymous wrong.
Antwort von domain:

At least one people, namely slash-tutti was thrilled beyond measure.
Antwort von camworks:

which here synonymous gelEutet:
Antwort von slash-tutti:

Oh no, I have my Professor
at that time already made to sow ... 7 pages
Unit and I had my thesis
Defend ...
"For heaven's sake, what Language Commission
then the pointless grammar was introduced :-) "
Clearly, from the Germanic-page ago
It is probably correct:
"People were enthusiastic masses of ..."
Just as I was on Wikipedia,
was at 300, the technique of bleach bypass effect
held to apply.
The hit movie is probably one of the most successful
all time.
Antwort von camworks:

And? The film is still junk. Look at "Gone With the Wind", then you see real cinema. Or "Apocalypse Now (Redux)". I mention only two examples to times when general genre films with / on war "to stay.
Antwort von Kino:
... The hit movie is probably one of the most successful of all time. Well, 1.66 million visitors in D (see: Avatar 11.2 million) and a U.S. box office of $ 210.6 million ($ 760.5 million) are not bad, but in the EDI's Olympic create the 300 thus not synonymous.
Antwort von domain:

And what do we say all these movies from the World Phantasy?
We just do not want everything in the boring reality of life but in a richer experience with probation and combat experiences, but want to remain at the same inviolable, like all heroes, with the exception of Siegfried.
It may even go so far that someone like Axel mostly films from the experience of other films out comments and interpreted, so even some seem to live in a world immaginären.
Antwort von WoWu:

Well, the time has come for the video game kiddies grow up and they put in their past hardly ever the eyes of their Game Boy, they now know not how the world looks like in real life and therefore must Movies all look like before .... the Video Games It's logical.
Antwort von shipoffools:
Well, the time has come for the video game kiddies grow up and because they have made in their past hardly ever the eyes of their Game Boy, ... ... And this generation is becoming more well known, rich s.Masse because
tutti agrees the statement of
slash-after all,
"lots of people were thrilled," O)
Antwort von Axel:

@ Domain:
The imagination is literally everything that has to do with images. Can be in Slashcam forum never off topic.
Unreal, fantastic, fictitious domain are, however, and shipoffools WoWu, walking shadow, tales full of sound and fury, signifying nothing (Theater quiz).
And for the native, overweight Game Boy-boy, eat terrific all graded images without having to digest it, can another thing: "You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting."
Bible Quiz, old man!
Antwort von domain:

The current semantics of "imaginary" means that something does not exist in reality but only in the imagination.
But you need not defend Axel, we like you all very much and your posts always give valuable input.
Antwort von jogol:

.. Fairy tale full of sound and fury, signifying nothing (Theater quiz).
"You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting."
Bible Quiz, old man! Macbeth and the Book Daniel. War I what? But please, not 300!
Antwort von Axel:

.. Fairy tale full of sound and fury, signifying nothing (Theater quiz).
"You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting."
Bible Quiz, old man!
Macbeth and the Book Daniel. War I what? But please, not 300! Any other testosterone-splashing battle plate, perhaps with Diane Keaton?
Antwort von domain:

You're not going to argue about, that you're a walking synonymous quotations book. within 20 seconds of Google, I've had the synonymous out.
You know the way, that it has previously given such items books for the advanced conversation really? We had factored in thousands of citations for a while and has determined that scrolls found out you're looking for :-)
Antwort von jogol:
You're not going to argue about, that you're a walking synonymous quotations book. within 20 seconds of Google, I've had the synonymous out.
You know the way, that it has previously given such items books for the advanced conversation really? We had factored in thousands of citations for a while and has determined that scrolls found out you're looking for :-) Grammar School. Heinrich Heine's Belshazzar. We had to unravel because you end up with a warning sign. In Shakespeare I gefudelt. War I was anyway? Maybe "Delicatessen", though meat platter.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

@ Slash-tutti
When I then "300" saw I did not know anything about the movie - I do not know what it was I did not know that it gave to comic NEN or did this even though it was not known to me in connection with the film.
When the film first, I thought ok sandals movie, or what (because we had always had talked about it like that so the time would come again)
... naja and then went off alone as he Schubb the ambassadors to the seemingly endless hole was in itself very unusual
And so it went next ;-)
I enjoyed the movie very well and found the right!
I would be delighted if as someone Prince Valiant (against the Huns) or Conan would just film was my first thought.
Then I called NEN s.and friend said "look at age 300 at times - who said only" got there but the comic to be at home ..... Hmm yes I get this?!
Conclusion There are only a handful of the films, the battle happening so well that on stage - I think the film is worthwhile just because of the fight scenes and animations, the water already.
I understand perfectly that you found him good.
Because he is considered synonymous with various aspects really well.
Unlike "Gone With the Wind" (so nen Schrott propaganda film is the only important where the fire after all who turns for today so what?) Can and should be "300" does not compare with something that is 2 very different movies you can not compare with each other.
Conclusion: Successful action movie of the new kind of hat s.vor the FX Guys!
B. DeKid
Antwort von Lutz Dieckmann:

well, in Hesse, we say "matter of personal taste, the AFF has gesacht, and bitten Seif ";-))))
I 300 can not get anything. Technically great, no question but that desaturated colors (the colors?) Into S / W rotated and then moved to Brown, no thanks.
I bought a color TV to see color! My world is in color, I like colors and I am an avowed fan of CSI ;-)
If films in the "scene" look, etc. I have made to turn.
But is only my personal opinion and not scoring.