Frage von Moritzk:
Moin your love
A new Project is drawing to a close next week and is now finally released on Dresden television.
This time it's not about a music video, video profile, or a cooking video, but it is the first premiere of a commercial, these I have rotated the tape break in style from Dresden.
The spot is likely to snächste weeks recorded in late September in the current program of the local television station "Dresden Fernsehen.
I uploaded the commercial advance on Youtube. However, the spotlight is not on Youtube Search, or my Youtube zufinden account, but I have limited him available as long as he has not run television in Dresden.
You can look at the spot only if you use this link:
About reviewers and opinion I would look forward to.
In brief yet two more spots will be released! A television spot will run in Dresden, the second passenger in the television of the Dresden Transport and a third on Youtube (; including interview).
All spots are synonymous zufinden soon on my homepage.
Best regards,
Antwort von Pianist:

Good made! Quality far above of local television.
Antwort von _L_:

Very nice. I like it very well, compliment.
Only the end of the music bothers me somewhat. Here I would either slow down or ausgefadet then immediately hard when stopped at the door.
But again, all in all super!
Antwort von srone:

simple and good, "style" safe.
excellent work, moritz.
Antwort von Prinzregent:

Ich finds synonymous class times and have ne questions on the conduct of such a shoot. Have you ever gone crazy the track completely in a setting and then repeated with the other settings? What kind of Equitment use?
Antwort von Moritzk:
Ich finds synonymous class times and have ne questions on the conduct of such a shoot. Have you ever gone crazy the track completely in a setting and then repeated with the other settings? What kind of Equitment use? Thanks for the positive feedback firstonce! Hoping for more opinions and criticisms synonymous with pleasure if you exist. Now to your questions Prince Regent.
Correct! We always have the spot and over again in different settings by rotated.
So that the whole was a little faster, we have rotated it with two cameras.
For the exact point play of the playback tape then ran again and again and always of a plant ... and then played the tape on the playback.
Here is a small excerpt of the equipment:
- Canon 7D
- SonyHDR-XR500VE was (now replaced by a better camera)
- Letus Extreme 35mm adapter with others. Canon 50mm 1.8
- Camera
- Dolly with 3 m rail
- 2 Tripods (Manfrotto, Bilora)
... Then a generator (an old factory building has no electricity nunmal the music for playback and much more :-)),!
Images from the Camera will you look for in this Spot! ... But as I said already we have rotated s.dieser Location 3 spots.
I hope I was able to give you an idea ungefaire the shoot.
Antwort von deti:
... Equitment ...
... Equitment ...
Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment, Equipment.
Hope that helps.
Antwort von Moritzk:

Man :-)... can happen, will you?
Antwort von musicmze:

like it very much - great optics!
Dresden TV was up two months ago my employer. I think that the highest quality material is what you get to see you there ;-)
Antwort von Moritzk:
like it very much - great optics!
Dresden TV was up two months ago my employer. I think that the highest quality material is what you get to see you there ;-) Oh thanks for the compliment!
I just hope the Dresden TV spot synonymous in the right format and in a good quality broadcasts.
As what have you been working at Dresden television, if I may ask.
Best regards,
Antwort von AD Tom:

Very good - it can go so synonymous different than the standard local-Spot Scrap ...
Antwort von musicmze:

I was a "media consultant" and got all that I have sold, produced synonymous. So contributions from advertising, commercials, etc., or synonymous messages.
The tooth with the good qualities I can draw you. Had there reinschauen times. In some cable networks, it is tough really bad.
Antwort von Moritzk:

The tooth with the good qualities I can draw you. Had there reinschauen times. In some cable networks, it is tough really bad. Na ... look out!
I just hope that the spot is not distorted or compressed in some way is sent. Had sent him in 720x576 Pal, 16 / 9.
Well I'm going s.die positive thing is the way he ran :-)... s.Donnerstag sent! I can not see, since I live in Wismar s.der Baltic Sea.
Antwort von Moritzk:

Otherwise, no opinions of old acquaintances slashCAM user?
I would vote yes almost sad :-)
Antwort von pilskopf:

Far too short. : D ok for the spot, for ne criticism too short. : D
Antwort von Moritzk:
Far too short. : D ok for the spot, for ne criticism too short. : D Well ... Commercial 27 seconds!
Antwort von domain:

What can I say Moritz?
Apart from the hair before-and zurückschnepfenden "musicians" is there not much to see. No idea, no story or anything else
Antwort von Moritzk:
No idea, no story or anything else ... Please? No idea??
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Na ja ja Top craftsmanship NEN but stop short spot so all in all, but ok.
Everything else would be so Perso. Sensations a la "What fidget around with the boy so classical instruments? The hard rockers wanted to be but were only sent in the music school?"
And what such statements should then contribute to the actual video / work ;-))
B. DeKid
Antwort von domain:

Then please describe your time (or your idea) behind me so far remained hidden.
What is the deeper and generally moving statement? What leads me to think at least not unhappy with output?
Antwort von DWUA:

Then please describe your time (or your idea) behind me so far remained hidden. Well, what be?
Ticket and
be famous. ;))
Antwort von pilskopf:
Far too short. : D ok for the spot, for ne criticism too short. : D
Well ... Commercial 27 seconds! The others have already written, there is nothing in it assess what might be. Looks clean, cut, fits the message comes across but you could replace all the scenes synonymous with any other of your shots and it would still be the same. Take a real music video to your finished, and you will certainly synonymous get enough feedback.