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Hello, I want to sell my beloved 2t Cam, the Panasonic nvgs 500 and buy me a comparably good, the HDV cam.
I rather not do AVCHD. Hearing not so good.
HD material in HDV, I'm used to with my FX1000 and can act well the material.
Cool it would be synonymous if I have to manually re-nen Schärfenrad.
Say there are comparably good cams? Perhaps of Sony?
As siehts with the Canon HV30 from. Is the bad?
I'm looking forward to your suggestions.
Antwort von Yerri:

SonyHC 9
Antwort von

The jop camcorder test has helped.
Canon HV30 (and the 40s has indeed nothing new to offer at all)
The cams are on the same.
I think in any forums disadvantages.
Except that I got the feeling that the Canon is far more common.
Is this now more ne fan question if one should decide?
I recognize no disadvantages.