Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Compositing with Blender Part 2 of rudi - 22 Sep 2006 18:23:00 > After we have dealt in the first part with the real basics, we go in the second part describes the basic working with nodes.
Antwort von prem:

This tutorial I find it very successful.
I of course immediately tried everything and it works excellent.
Only two images is now superpose so not that difficult. This goes in a good graphics program faster, easier and better.
It would be really interesting, yes, only if it is shown how it is to close, that is visible on the screen represented a small film.
In this tutorial, I'm looking forward.
Antwort von LeiDa:

Ich habs now not tried, but ...
I think Blender treated frames and image sequences equal. That means everything has s.Beispiel of individual images was shown, can be used without any modifications for image sequences to select simply as a source for the first Picture of several numbered images (image sequences, or alternatively a container such as *. avi).
Really funny wirds so only when you can animate matters such as color correction synonymous - is not yet possible, hopefully in the next coming sowas blender version.