Frage von oliver_l1:
how can I maximize a composition? I know this is only the "tilde key" must press on my laptop but I find him.
Antwort von Axel:

A "dead button." According to Wikipedia for Windows "Alt" plus "+*". Seems to vote for Mac is ~ "Alt" plus "n". Also makes sense to maximize on the Mac as "apple" plus "+" is the apple key and either the "Alt" or the "Ctrl". button in Windows replaced. "Alt" plus "_" is likely to minimize.
Antwort von oliver_l1:

I did the English try-out version of After Effects 7.0 on my German system.
My problem is I use the tilde-key to maximize a panel can not use.
How can I solve the problem?
Antwort von prem:

This works nicht.Habe the English try-out version on a German system.
Can the tilde-key to maximize a panel not use it.
How can I solve the problem?
Antwort von oliver_l1:

Sorry, the German try-out version.
but the tilde-key works are still not for me.
Antwort von oliver_l1:

In addition to the German Try-Out version I still have English on my system.
Antwort von Axel:

Aha, multiple thread Schreiber (new Insult): You have so AAE. I translate a bit of Mac, and of an old version, but since it comes to zooming the
preview goes to work in any case the bottom left of the composition window, the
zoom level, a typical Windows window. Try also "." (Dot) and "," (comma). The size of the window itself in relationship to your laptop display regels you intuitively by touching and dragging the bottom right frame, do not know what a button should be good.
Antwort von prem:

This thread is identical with:
Antwort von jojo:

If on the German keyboard, the "O" - button.