Frage von Gerschi:
Hello everybody,
I stand on the verge of an HD Camera switch. My two favorites are the Canon HV20 and the Panasonic HDC-SD5EG. The differences are all aware of me, but I could not in practice test. The image quality of the SD5 is probably with the SD1 of the comparable. Now my question to the AVCHD format (which is further folded): How strong are compression artifacts during camera pans or sports shots to see?
Antwort von Axel:

Since there is nothing to doubt or guessing. Just like HDV Mpeg2 exists as long as the AVCHD H.264. Since it is - for the same data, the data used may be quiet in comparison to its HDV halved - about three times as high quality, you also need not worry. Look at H.264 at 12 Mbit / s on (so high, it will be for the final output never coded): Absolutely natural movement representation.
How strong are compression artifacts during camera pans or sports shots to see? If such artifacts should be
visible, it is at least not s.Codec. However, we must distinguish between simple sports and analysis of movements (eg during a presentation of a sports students about table tennis, where I cut them). With HDV, there are only two "real" frames per second, all others are an approximation, one might say an interpolation. With AVCHD, even the I-frames are not independent of the surrounding frames. One must be aware that a Still Image is not genuine.
(which is further folded) With emphasis on "will". To hundreds of postings in various threads together flush.
HDV Advantages: Comparison to AVCHD with lower CPU requirements to process, so far better support by software. Better quality in DVD as the output target, as only Down conversion, the same codec.
Advantages AVCHD: codec for future HD-DVD or BluRay. Probably a good
future, and support of software development as a standard consumer format.
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Gerschi ...
... if you have a priority move is no doubt ... H.264 is an MPEG2 codec homemade highly superior. In addition, there are several other advantages ... However, there is already extensive Topics (and my book-smile-).
If you then, is a fast processing .... do not worry then I recommend that (a minimum of 10 reasons) AVCHD
Antwort von HeikoS:

Mal ne ganz stupid question:
Why was I in the AVCHD recordings, which Sony proudly at the Photokina show was easily identify artifacts?
Antwort von WoWu:

.... AVCHD is a scalable format, which also still has 8 levels.
(as well as MPEG2, where it was never used).
It has therefore (synonymous) the merit of the requirements or the conditions of storage medium in accordance with, a "grace full degradation procedure.
Now Sonyja even advertises that they (Ettlich hours) on a chip will ... If it was a setting that would be the explanation because even with a moderate bandwidth H.264 is superior high house .... As I said ... one compares the details of the format with each other, you will quickly see.
This applies, incidentally synonymous in terms of wavelet-based format.
So ... Details worthwhile.
My assessment is H.264 within manageable time replace all other formats. (on all levels, thus including intra AVD)