Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Convergent Design HD Connect Wednesday HDMI Converter SDI Test of thomas - 22 May 2007 14:14:00 Small test of the HDMI / HD-SDI converter HD Connect MI "of Convergent Design
we reported. In addition, the card converts FireWire VTR control signals to RS422.
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Here is the link to the news with links and images on the pages Slashcam Magazine
Antwort von FelixBernhard:

funny to me is not a test is displayed.
gruß cj
Antwort von Composer:

You need to link with "More information at creativecow" button
Antwort von Johnny:2:

I understand this correctly now?
So I can here my HDV cam connected via firewire, the converter s.die Blackmagic card and then get HD-SDI signals for editing?
Regards, Johnny: 2
Antwort von robbie:

@ jonny: NO via firewire it only receives signals.
you can with this HD-SDI converter send it back then HDMI out ...
Schöne Grüße,