Frage von Michael:
I've got of a television series, the original DVDs. On each DVD are
Logically, several consequences of it, which I like on the laptop
copy would, but for reasons of space as a single AVI (DivX,
XviD ÓÄ.)
How shall I s.einfachsten to the consequences that I as an individual
AVIs can recoding? The consequences are not as separate VOBs drauf,
because there are 5 VOB files, with the first 4 exactly 1,073,739,776
Bytes long. Seems so does not result in a single VOBs
to be split. I have always assumed that it per episode
would give individual VOBs.
As my software is Nero 7 is available, a registered
divX version (Birthday of divX serial number, the more
her free:), as well as any natürlichi Freeware (SUPER I
bspweise installed.)
Danke schon mal in advance and lg
Antwort von Frank_Müller:

> As my software is Nero 7 is available, a registered
> DivX version (Birthday of divX serial number, the more
> Free her:), as well as any natürlichi Freeware (SUPER I
> Bspweise installed.)
There are still other possibilities but I've sort of
with a special version of VirtualDub MPEG2 made the capture can.
Eventually, however, the VOBs copy protected then you need a
Program which removes the copy protection.
In VirtualDub you can go on the compression of audio and video, depending on the
installed codec. And the video nor the filter according
configured so that the aspect ratio s.ende synonymous true.
Antwort von Jürgen_He:
Michael wrote:
> How I make s.einfachsten to the consequences that I as an individual
> AVIs recoding it? The consequences are not as separate VOBs drauf,
> Because there are 5 VOB files, with the first 4 exactly 1,073,739,776
> Bytes long. Seems so does not result in a single VOBs
> To be split. I have always assumed that it per episode
> Should give individual VOBs.
With the tool "PgcDemux"
( you can of
unprotected DVDs each title as elementary streams out
extract and then s.einen encoder of your choice feeding.
Gruß, Jürgen
Antwort von Michael:
Frank Mueller wrote:
> There are still other possibilities but I've sort of
> with a special version of VirtualDub MPEG2 made the capture can.
Good idea. The good old VirtualDub. On the I do not think.
Let's see if the individual effects may differ.
> Eventually, however, the VOBs copy protected then you need a
> Program which removes the copy protection.
This is not a problem ;-) I get the VOBs with Nero Recode.
Antwort von Michael:
Jürgen He wrote:
> With the tool "PgcDemux"
> ( you can of
> unprotected DVDs each title as elementary streams out
> and then extract s.einen encoder of your choice feeding.
Thank you! Tolle newsgroup, helpful people! :)
Antwort von Jens Peter Moeller:
Michael wrote:
> I have of a television series, the original DVDs. On each DVD are
> More logically follow it, which I like on the laptop
> Copy would, but for reasons of space as a single AVI (DivX,
> XviD ÓÄ.)
With is the very
good and easy. My favorite, after the last time AutoGK
garnix more on the series got.
The FairUse Wizard synonymous always makes a whole DVD on one time,
and recognize all the consequences alone.
Antwort von Michael:
Mark Burger wrote:
> With odd cumbersome way of working.
For simpler methods I course an open ear! :)
> Put the consequences individually with nem
> any Decrypter
I need something else never, so I do not know what a
Decrypter. The VOBs are my inzw. without CSS copy protection on the
hard drive available. In which format would me Decrypter
All convert? When uncompressed AVIs bräcuhte I probably still
a few terabytes. ;-) Or Decrypter gives me an in
DVD-MPEG2 format, without any further compression is done?
> The encoded with AutoGK.
This looks promising. The FairUse_Wizard does not come in
Issue, because fee and any unlicensed stuff
dark corners of the Internet is not on the calculator.
Antwort von Jürgen_He:
> Mark Burger wrote:
>> Put the consequences individually with nem
>> Any Decrypter
Michael wrote:
> I need something else never, so I do not know what a
> Decrypter. The VOBs are my inzw. without CSS copy protection on the
> Hard drive available. In which format would me Decrypter
> Convert the whole? When uncompressed AVIs bräcuhte I probably still
> A few terabytes. ;-) Or Decrypter gives me an in
> DVD-MPEG2 format, without any further compression is done?
An "any Decrypter" cracks firstly present a possible
Koipierschutz and then rips the data of the DVD, similar to the
I have already mentioned of "PgcDemux" makes synonymous. The titles are taken from
VOBs as the MPEG program or elementary streams (audio and video
isolated) output.
If you, as you write, a registered version of DivX searched,
you should see from the DVD title hersaus exrtahierten thus convert
can. The route over low compressed AVI is not required.
AutoGK or VirtualDub are alternative possibilities.
Gruß, Jürgen
Antwort von Sven Goldt:
Michael wrote:
> How I make s.einfachsten to the consequences that I as an individual
> AVIs recoding it? The consequences are not as separate VOBs drauf,
Eg 1 Title in xvid convert:
Bitrate even as Foreign ¤ hlen -700000 fà ¼ r 1100 files or 700MB for R 1100 Kbps
/ dev / null with Windows, there is not, as you can as synonymous titel1.avi or hire nul:
mencoder dvd: / / 1-dvd-device -ni-quiet-alang en-aid 128-oac copy-ovc xvid-noodml-xvidencopts gmc% on:% profile asp5: threads = 2: turbo = 1: pass = 1-o / dev / null
mencoder dvd: / / 1-dvd-device -ni-quiet-alang en-aid 128-oac copy-ovc xvid-noodml-xvidencopts bitrate = $ bitrate: gmc% on:% profile asp5: threads = 2: pass = 2-o titel1.avi
Antwort von Michael:
Jürgen He wrote:
> If you, as you write, a registered version of DivX searched,
> you should see from the DVD title hersaus exrtahierten thus convert
> you can. The route over low compressed AVI is not required.
Yes, this divX converter, which allows practically no settings,
I look at good luck eh probiert. That does not Mistteil times
VOBs as the source.
But my main problem: I want so than the individual episodes
AVIs have individual and not the entire DVD in a Wurscht as
3stündige AVI file. Otherwise I would have easily made with SUPER.
(And I have the info lacks synonymous, regarding bitrate etc, what is the
s.besten recruits. This would, however, I can search.)
But I did not synonymous Bock, because the time-marks at 20 with DVDs
4 Follow the rauszusuchen hand and always somewhere reinzuhäcken
and to decompose. Since I am sitting on it forever.
Antwort von Michael:
Mark Burger wrote:
> you can update the IFOs
> in open AutoGK, 350 MB for 1-lingual or 400 MB for 2-speaking select
> and ready
Bingo! Although I have only 2 IFO files, of which he always only one
accepted, but because he asks me then what is the 5
PG contained?-something (habs forget) I want to use it. I
assume that these are the episodes.
Now running times of the batch job. If all this is the AutoGK
of course, an absolutely brilliant tool. I'm seriously excited.
divX or Xvid is probably more of a "political" decision,
I suppose. I've taken divX, then you can probably easily ichs
synonymous multimedia on my hard drive with TV-Out and
divX support play. But I will herumexperimentieren times.
I any case, the correct path and simple, think
Thanks again!
Antwort von Jens Peter Moeller:
Mark Burger wrote:
> Jens Peter Moeller wrote:
>> With, the very
>> Good and easy. My favorite, after the last time AutoGK
>> Garnix more on the series got.
> What is not? Runs flawlessly with me.
I was at a "Project" always consequences in between,
where the size of the AVIs was totally arbitrary, somewhere
between 1xx and 2xx MB, instead of the current 350 MB.
As always happened - let's see whether I made the memory even
together martial - if the first test run a "prediced
comptes value of ~ 90% or even over 100% - yes, there was the
really - noted.
Antwort von Jens Peter Moeller:
Michael wrote:
> Mark Burger wrote:
>> The encoded with AutoGK.
> This looks promising.
Is it usually synonymous.
> The does not occur in FairUse_Wizard
> Question, because a fee and any unlicensed stuff
> Dark corners of the Internet is not on the calculator.
You searched for the link that I posted does not seem to read correctly.
The version 2.8 is freeware!
But well, since you have VOBs auf'm Calculator would FuW eh nothing for you.