Frage von kurtrudolf:
I would like s.PC stored video formats (RAM, RM, MPEG, AVI, WMV) to DVD, then burn (convert) that they can be played on standard players.
What makes the many burning programs, so the simplest way?
Antwort von jasmin61:

Test times with Nero, because you can even create small synonymous Menus
Antwort von theFox:

Good morning,
If you have Nero with NeroRecode it should go very easy.
I think you get trial version of Recode synonymous ne, if you have it should not. At least that used to be so.
If you do not have Recode, the data must be converted first singly, so as Nero alone can not.
Antwort von kurtrudolf:

Thank s.Jasmine and Fox.