Frage von LunaticEYE:
Hello dear people!
'm New here in the forum and hope I've selected the correct category.
My name is Olaf, I am 33 years old and a member of the Independent Film Association "RR-Productions. We are a group of ambitious amateur film-maker and worked for many years s.einer own science fiction series with the name "Cool Age. So far, there are two longer films, and three serial episodes of Cool Age. For almost five years we have worked s.unserem first feature, which we were able to finish and because of this recent event, we would like to invite interested forum users happy with our premiere dates. I hope that one or other of you has time to participate and feel like s.einer of ideas. Thus, further now to the details:
Here you can order tickets online for Munich and Berlin:

Program, tickets and venues: Dusseldorf: In Dusseldorf, the "world premiere will take place." As part of the Fantasydays (; R) Experiences (;
[b] Saturday, May 7 November 2009, 10 clock in the "Hangar One"
Sunday 8 November 2009, 11 clock in the Theater Utopia
Burg-Wächter Castello
Karl-Hohmann-Strasse 1
40599 Düsseldorf Tickets and Prices: The performances are intended only for visitors to the Fantasydays, that unfortunately there is no separate ticket just for the "Cool Age Revelations" show. Ordering and more information for the Fantasydays you can find here: We are on the Fantasydays represented with its own stand and will try to bring as many DVDs and audio plays s.den man / woman in order to shore up our badly-torn club cash register a little. Synonymous Maybe we can attract new members, a few newbies, we already had in the past months.
Munich: Saturday 21 November 2009, 15:45 (; Doors open: 15:30)
RIO Filmpalast
Rosenheim st 46
81669 Munich
Following is an "after-show party at the Cafe of the cinema and then we celebrate the mood to open-end somewhere in Munich :-)
Admission: 5 ¬ (, ¬ 1 plus shipping, otherwise the notion s.der Collection s.Tag synonymous cash advance directly or possible) in the Movies
Admission incl Cool Age Revelations DVD (; Issue s.Tag the idea): 13 ¬ The regular price of the DVD will amount to ¬ 9.90, the DVD is still in progress. Is a pressed Double Layer DVD with booklet. There are definitely tons of extras (and more than one hours Making Of, Behind The Scenes, etc.) the duration of the film: 110 minutes
Antwort von LunaticEYE:

Cool Age Revelations the Camgaroo Wins Award 2009!
At the annual awards held Camgaroo organized Lechner of Media in cooperation with Tele5 Cool Age Revelations this year was the 1st Platzin the age category 3 (; 27-49 years) show!
The Camgaroo Awards are awarded every year since 2002 and regarded as "Oscars of the non-professional film makers." Due to the success supports not only Sony, Panasonic, Sanyo and Adobe synonymous for the first time this year, the television station Tele5 in the context of the Munich Media Days event takes place.
At the after party we could converse usausführlich with the oscar-nominated Cinematographer Jost Vacano (; Total Recall, Starship Troopers, Das Boot, The Neverending Story), just to talk shop and let us give you valuable hints for future episodes of the Cool-age universe . Moderator and organizer Gabriele Lechner will probably synonymous with our Munich premiere s.21.11. in the Rio Filmpalast appear. So progress is good and we're all looking forward to the further development!
Learn more about this synonymous in our blog: 
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Antwort von pilskopf:

Fats respect.