Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Cool or uncool? Micro Movie Competition of rudi - 8 May 2006 10:58:00 A few days ago, the call for the film started Ideas Competition micromovie - A film in 100 seconds "of THE FOURTH in collaboration with the film Hamburg. Participants should submit a story / narrative, which is as short
and is crisp, it can be told cinematically in 100 seconds. The ten best ideas will be professionally filmed, the author of the best ideas can win a movie Camp at Universal Studios in Hollywood. Insofar as the summary press release. Quite boldly, however, we find the small print:
"The rights s.den Shooting and s.den related stories go on s.NBC UNIVERSAL. NBC UNIVERSAL shall have the power to freely evaluate stories filmed physically and incorporeal. The submitted screenplays will not be returned. The jury will select the 10 winners of free decision. There is no right to jury's reasoning.
The author is not at the shooting spot. He has no editing rights. The final decision rests with NBC UNIVERSAL. "
But since one can smooth the link stuck in the keyboard;)
Antwort von Kiara Borini:

That seems to be a trace-boiled than in many other competitions of this kind
But, there is hope once synonymous hundreds or even thousands on their big chance and provide free ideas and input s.The burned creative departments of these companies.
In the next one in the loop to remain practical and the other got together in spite of "burn-out syndrome" continues the rates for its Boxster ... Well, at least on the creative idea with the Competition has indeed served yet!
Antwort von Nio:

So, now I must reveal the secret GR0ßE.
I'll do when something like that in kleingetruckten not with! Since I am saving me the time to look to the pageA.
Antwort von dietl:

The idea is nice, but it's always amazing effrontery with which incumbent firms are trying to tear ideas to s.sich. In the film industry would still drive a lot better if the creators were so rewarded as they deserve. What has worked briefly in the music industry quite well - American Idol, pop stars - will now be synonymous probably transferred to the film industry? Fortunately, there are (still) no law in Germany, will be confiscated by the ideas. Say: It has indeed the choice whether to join in such a rip off or not. I hope that this so-called "Competition" will take as little encouragement.
Antwort von Beo Bachter:

Then we would be interested but time, as, indeed, to imagine people so s.ehesten. Will not be misunderstood - but find it just as boldly and think about it like in southern Germany to initial words times. We come as a company of technical Page and hope for creative input, as it could go such a s.ehesten Competition and fairest OPERATIONS WERE CARRIED!
Antwort von Niklas F:

Competition is no objection against anything.
But when it comes to pure, ripe abandon great ideas
think of oneself as nothing, the authors do not properly rewarded, and then not even allowed to be present during shooting ... Nah, just let!
Writers have it at the moment really hard to sell their ideas in any way. Let's make it even harder you can not ....
Antwort von AG:

Dear friends of the web,
as author of the fine print, I allow myself a few clarifications. Since the law refers to the acquisition FILMS, it's all about the winning films, and hopefully it's understandable that the sender s.diesen the rights acquired. So here is a plagiarism is not going on, because not arise s.den selected scripts no rights for the station.
The process of Nichtrücksendung is on such a degree of competition quite common, since we want to invest our money, not only in administrative work, but in the realization of the films.
Now to the right of final decision. It is very common that such a producer is thus at the transmitter. The collaboration with the author, is thus by no means completely repressed.
I hope to have dispelled doubts remain, and with a cinematic salute
Andrew Gerhardt
Antwort von muco:

Hello ....
.... Even if much at such competitions "may be quite common," which means I do not think that this fact (at least morally) is correct or is synonymous.
When an author gives his ideas for the best, it should later be utilized in any form, synonymous as it has a right to receive a compensation / pay. He is the author and is synonymous and it deserves to be treated as such known and!
The conscience is calm with the advertised prices, as measured in my opinion just a drop in the bucket s.dem what s.Profit bottom line for each host or whoever synonymous always pops out - what would be comfortable with an equal number of professional scriptwriters on Laying the table?? Prices advertised the fees of the best scripts submitted - that is one thing. What happens AFTER the Competition to another! See my second paragraph!
But the statement: "The author is not at the shooting spot. He has no editing rights. The final decision rests with NBC UNIVERSAL. Shows "but that it is in this case is a pure brainstorming, because you can zurechtbügeln the ideas in retrospect according to his needs" "and the author has no means of the actual intended meaning of his screenplay enforce / script.
As far as my opinion on such contests
Antwort von prem:
Since the law refers to the acquisition FILMS, it's all about the winning films, and hopefully it's understandable that the channel acquires the rights s.diesen stehts such as but not inside, in small print. Only writing is good, what is s.kommentaren in a forum, is no preference, does not matter legally. just write: winner film the right s.den otherwise ists underdone. if something small print requires explanation by the author, it is anyway not well written (and irresponsible acts synonymous).
Antwort von Henrik Fisch:
Since the law refers to the acquisition FILMS, is all about the winning films ...
Given the ambiguity indeed go off already. Where is it written that verplichtet the company to determine a winner? It is unlikely that the Competition runs in the sand, but not unthinkable. And then? Then float the rights of ALL of submitted films in a legal vacuum and the perpetrators must be in writing seek a time-and Costly legal clarification. Two simple sentences "... within two months after the closing date of ..." and "Only the rights of the winning films to go ..." would have created clarity.
... That the sender s.diesen the rights acquired.
Nonsense. The rights s.einem films still remain the industry with producers, so the people who have money to put on the table. And that is synonymous paid in the event of a contest that of the camera and the videotape and has s.Film persuaded friends to join. What the transmitter must of course have that are time-limited publication rights for the submitted film, he may acquire the Neuverfilmungsrechte And THEN, of course, he has the rights s.seiner own production. Nevertheless, the author probably wants a contractually vested mention. Here, unfortunately, is absent.
So here is a plagiarism is not going on, because not arise s.den selected scripts no rights for the station.
Like a dear colleague forum in front of me had aptly remarked, however, NOT THE EXACTLY is in the rules.
Collegial regards,
Henrik Fisch
Antwort von Autor:

Hi folks,
is indeed a merry underneath and over it here. The Competition will not fizzle out. It occurs to me that there ostensibly is about the Komerz.
There are many reasons to participate therein or to write simple. If it is exclusively the Komerz, then one should offer his works s.entsprechende bodies - but be warned. Anyone who is not sure to deliver the required quality, should be ready for a cold shower.
Writing is synonymous adventure - and every adventure has its peak, the last sending a path that leads out there. Everything else should be said to fall from the sky.
Antwort von steveb:

it's like it's always ... who for the mainstream "prostitute" will, can not get away s.diesem system. whether laicité, shooting, actors ... it's like it is. There will be hundreds of respondents give their (probably synonymous good) movies, and no one will submit to remunerate them accordingly for it. or do not accept that here is the question ...
Antwort von Ivy:

So, to answer the question: Uncool!
When trying the comments of the alleged author, here synonymous only wring any content, will say "Yes, almost dizzy with sheer pointlessness. Legal hairsplitting that are above the rest of the other shows more than questionable, but which has been mainly s.Eigentlichen over.
Even if the production company acquires only the rights s.den winning films - and na? That's enough for the disqualification of their integrity. Because what happens is superior, but the following: unused creatives are converted by the offer of a competition to their ideas (for a pittance actually win something, all those who are not first, except that her film is being produced, so now what they do not shares do? cede) s.The company. This is a capitalist derate antisocial behavior, that it rises one choking throat. Actually, you should sowas make public and allow people to accrue with their "competition" not really sleep.
Antwort von Younes:

Hi, I understand the general Neinung of most of that advantage in such competitions, young creative minds are. But please do not forget the other Page! If you win such a Competition that is already headlined a recognition, from which one can draw confidence. Especially if you're as young as I (22). I know many will say that if one is not convinced of its history, they need not write, but we are honest any recognition is good and a ermutert next to right now is damn difficult when siene screenplays s.den man bring. And such a victory at ONCE Competition is a plus point for each application. Sometimes you have just been swimming with the tide to be able to change something later.
So do not see everything as black and when so many criticize this kind of competitions, it provides on its own, but when so many critics would have a lot of money coming. I would like to participate synonymous, because I am a man who would rather talk about changing s.statt!!
Nevertheless, I think it's honorable that make so many thoughts to other screenwriters. Because a script is the most important of any movie!
Antwort von Andy Garcia:

because the thread is already more than a year old, you can
mitlerweile the winner / participants of 2006 after
their fazit ask.
gruß cj
Antwort von Jan Wulf:

I'm Jan Wulf, 19 years, one of 10 finalists of 2006. With my script "Checkout 4" I got made the finals - it was the short film "Reality TV with me," the script with my own, except that he plays in a supermarket, has little to do. It was not taken seriously at all as a writer because I think. I could list several things that were in my script just completely different ... eg those stoned-rumhüpfenden idiots "Moderator" (here you can just look at the films again: there was not even in the script! And much more, that will now not run next, because I only reg too much on;) ...
But how serious the scripts was taken, was probably s.den respective people who have been working ... So while the author of "Grandma so sweet," was also very disappointed that his film idea has been turned into a stupid splatter movie, I heard that other scenarios were implemented almost 1 to 1.
Because the thing with the theft of ideas, hmm ... I do not really know who now benefits s.der whole thing. So, the fourth had a promotional effect, the films which were my impression is fairly synonymous no preference (the "boss" of the broadcaster said at the awarding erstmal cocky "Hello, I'm here all paid and paid synonymous's happy) again." .. the makers of short films will be shooting with the times I think to win any golden palm tree or much money ... Well, and the "authors" (in quotation marks, for example, some how I had so little to do with the film results are therefore only in very broad sense of authors) which were allowed to eat once the snacks in the bistro-Fourth, the Winners hold the film won Academy thing was or what the ... joa. So I do not know if I know too little about the industry in order to be able to judge, but apart from that it was probably not taken seriously as an author does not, but I can not somehow recognize so hot that it was very exploited. But as I said, I can not perhaps perfectly judged.