Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Corel buys InterVideo and Ulead of thomas - 17 Dec 2006 14:06:00 Once again buying: Corel (Manufacturer usof CorelDraw, WordPerfect and Paint Shop) has provided 200 million U.S. dollars InterVideo bought the company in 2005 acquired majority stake s.Ulead has. Under one roof are to be found so s.sofort multimedia programs like WinDVD, WinDVD Creator, Ulead PhotoImpact, Ulead VideoStudio, Ulead DVD MovieFactory, Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo and Snapfire Corel. It will be interesting to how the plan for the future will look like: what Priodukte will continue, which together feature rich new solutions are merged?
Antwort von Ian:

Hopefully this is not the end - the Programs of Micrografx are synonymous with the buying soon disappeared.
Antwort von Kirk:
Hopefully this is not the end - the Programs of Micrografx are synonymous with the buying soon disappeared. I think not - that were competing products on their own. Corel But why should so much money to spend, new product lines to buy, and then to die? Ulead and InterVideo are so completely different software, and provide more of a complement Since Corel has come what with - pass on Adobe! ;-)
Antwort von Bahnfreund:

Even with Ulead and Corel products, there are the same each cultivate the market, such as Ulead PhotoImpact and the image of Corel software.
It is hoped that next PhotoImpact kept. As there are no products Micro Grafs longer existed, I had ever been the imaging software to change and was then converted to PhotoImpact.
Sure, there are also users who s.der imaging software of Corel hang. I know, however, no examples of Firmenaufkäufen, where two competing software products, both had survived. It remains to be seen what the image-editing software Corel is Directing.
In c't Heft 1 / 07 is a test of PhotoImpact 12 contain. There is the issue briefly. Compared with the c't showed Ulead auskunftsfreundig not on the future of Photo Impact.
Antwort von Baggersee:

Well, we hope the best! In addition, Paint Shop Pro synonymous PhotoPaint survive despite their own house!
'm Worried about Media Studio. According to computer video is not on the list of Related Products!
I hope that this software is now finally and properly developed to current aufschließt competition. Version 8 is looking under the hood just a aufgebohrtes 6.5, as dioe 7 synonymous.
Antwort von hannes:

> I hope that this software is now finally being developed properly
it is definitely not.
It will not even be Vista-compatible.
Schade eigentlich.
Antwort von Georg:

How do you do that it "definitely" is?
Antwort von Frank B.:
I know, however, no examples of Firmenaufkäufen, where two competing software products, both had survived. Avid Xpress and Liquid Edition (Avid Liquid)!
But who knows how long that still goes well. : o (
Antwort von hannes:

> How do you do that it "definitely" is?
my dear George,
You have to Ulead is certainly a just as good or even better than I wire. So what is the question?
Muchos saludos desde el Golfo de Rosas
42 ° 14,964 `N, 3 ° 12,136 'E
Antwort von Kollektor:

Corel stelten wieterentwicklung of the Media Studio 8, sooon scheissss!
And remains on the consumer machine Program with Video Studio hang.
I do not understand, as a professional Manufacturer of software ?????