Infoseite // Cover film "Trapped"

Frage von fabuFab:

Hey folks,

hab mich ma my colleagues down there connected my un film synonymous uploaded. Also for Ludwigsburg. Who Bock, may be partly due to the youtube anschaun, right here:

About Constructive criticism is of course happy ...



Antwort von snapco:

Beautiful film, comes across authentically, however, find the expression of the actor s.einigen are covered, such as eyes or her father roles shy deer expression. But the idea is obviously good.
If determined quite well.


Antwort von Professor Hastig:

"Anonymous" wrote: Beautiful film, comes across authentically, however, find the expression of the actor s.einigen are covered, such as eyes or her father roles shy deer expression. But the idea is obviously good.
If determined quite well.

had forgotten my login.


Antwort von mr.easyest:

I like the film very well. Stimulates the Nachdenken s.and is relatively up to date.
Only two points I have noticed now negative.
1. The sound is in the male performers hard to understand.
2. In closing, I find it not good if you Penner writes, as this is also an insult. Write rather homeless or something like that.

But as I said otherwise good.



Antwort von PowerMac:

Why always this shitty abgekaschte 'Scope-Picture? That looks ridiculously out. V. WW s.weil the effect goes down completely. This has neither large, nor does it in this issue. This looks like "we hold times. Certainly looks professional with the broad picture and so" from.
And then technically bad NEN Picture, regular lighting, but such a broad picture, and as I would swim in the band by NEN slit stretch.
And the Kadragen not fit to aspect ratio. In 16:9 or 4:3 up / kadriert and huge bar in the post drüber - unmotivated. So is das


Antwort von Heino:

[@ powermac show but take a film of you, anyone can grumble.
There is nothing good about this film to say? Show us that you can do better.


quote = "PowerMac"] Why always this shitty abgekaschte 'Scope-Picture? That looks ridiculously out. V. WW s.weil the effect goes down completely. This has neither large, nor does it in this issue. This looks like "we hold times. Certainly looks professional with the broad picture and so" from.
And then technically bad NEN Picture, regular lighting, but such a broad picture, and as I would swim in the band by NEN slit stretch.
And the Kadragen not fit to aspect ratio. In 16:9 or 4:3 up / kadriert and huge bar in the post drüber - unmotivated. So does das [/ quote]


Antwort von PowerMac:

Why should I? Can I just talk about football when I Ballack hot?
Can I just grumble about food when I 3-star chef bin? Why should I see something better of me have to show?


Antwort von Passiv-leser:

denk halt times on your Tonfal after and the manner in which it now viewed as a constructive criticism can be ...


Antwort von PowerMac:

What is constructive criticism?



Antwort von Heino:

All bla bla, Power Mac, you steer from. Can you ever filmed, or is all mere theory? Have you ever made a movie? Show what you can, practically, not just theoretical.

Regards Heino

"PowerMac" wrote: Why should I? Can I just talk about football when I Ballack hot?
Can I just grumble about food when I 3-star chef bin? Why should I see something better of me have to show?


Antwort von fabuFab:

Hey folks,

stop times short. I had to post here actually created to discuss my film to discuss un nich on the code of conduct in nem forum. Thanks s.euch here jumped into the breach, but until I have nothing against ma ne bad. Whether I do as relevant for me to view, I can still decide for himself.

To return relating to:

@ Prof. Hastily
I am pleased that he does athens table. To critics, synonymous've already noticed that just as the roles of the father's eyes the audience impressed and more in "their" sense of the world moves.

@ mr.easytest
Thank you
1. Have unfortunately made the mistake not external, but over the micro-camera record the sound ... If I do not happen again.
2. Mmh, joah, have already

@ PowerMac
Matter of opinion I would say. It is included 16:9 and Cinemascope beams overhead. I think Cinemascope is first simply aesthetic. Solo from the "look out" her.
Furthermore, it is not just pointless elected. I think when the movie plays in the apartment, with many close shots, close the frame supports the feeling of being hounded and jailed. The other gives the broad picture when it erupted from the apartment is a feeling of expanse, as it previously did not really knew.
But I would like to know if the movie now you basically did not like, or just because he was Cinemascope. What do you mean with bad technically Picture? The colors, the settings, the camera work?
Please more details perhaps un suggestions.

@ Heino
un what is your opinion about the movie?

Otherwise, please force next post ...



Antwort von Renderboy:

beautiful film. the initial joy of the newly gained freedom and the conversion by the negative experiences you have through the montage well resolved.

Picture of the course looks at the freedom from class, I'm stuck on!

the actors were well chosen, the musikuntermahlung fits. Especially the bum is cool;)

do next and so much success in ak: D


Antwort von capac:

and you have an answer of the aka?

gruß Jochem


Antwort von flyingeye:

hello der film gefällt mir gut
The conclusion is as good as the door a few times completed

this says it all


Antwort von camworks:

I like the film so far. mood in the short time rübergebracht well, actors are very authentic. story line is very beautiful.

negative points:
1.) kadrierung is really bad, the cinemascope-Kasch quite sure I would have omitted. the man eat at just above the eye off the skull has caused me to move with the head runterzugehen order under the Kasch anything away to see. :-) Also fits the cinemascope not synonymous to the homeless. with cinemascope generate wide, exactly the opposite of what the show will be homeless. 16:9 would be much better.
2.) sound bad, often the man is very hard to understand (the mother auf'm play on the other hand, good).
3.) with the light, you should still practice. is too shallow, muddy, no accents.

gibts total of 6 of my 10 points. thou wouldst have the above criticisms are not there, it would become 9 of 10.


Antwort von fabuFab:

Hab ne derletzt message of the Filmaka get it is unfortunately un ne rejection has become ...
Thought I had ne chance, maybe. Will try again next year.
But thanks for your review. Is always helpful to hear independent opinions. Have learned a lot again for the movie, next time can really only get better :-)

Greetz, Fabi


Antwort von camworks:

wilt thou let him now how he is? the film would have deserved to be renewed, at least in terms of a change Kasch should not be so burdensome. I would have a point anymore. :-)


Antwort von Gast-23:


could you possibly tell me with a camera for what you've recorded?



Antwort von Sascha:

Haha, a good laugh, the stripes. Handle to the loo. Bimbo and fatter eternal father in WG? Imagination. In 5 seconds you can the "contents" have amply shown. Next 7 minutes emptiness. The eye of the beholder by beams deliberately limited: it is precisely where the film looks, because what he wants to see! As it turns out that it has something to hide.
The thickness is well, cut well, and here there is amateurish, but the exercise thing, the mood too much music left to the rough and unfortunate mishmash used. Unfortunately everything no preference because the base of the subject, a story is missing. "Trapped": how where why, not even rudimentary to show in 7 minutes is not ready to bring - a benefit synonymous. Rightly rejected.


Antwort von PowerMac:

What story?


Antwort von Valentino:

"fabuFab" wrote: Hab ne derletzt message of the Filmaka get it is unfortunately un ne rejection has become ...
Thought I had ne chance, maybe. Will try again next year.
But thanks for your review. Is always helpful to hear independent opinions. Have learned a lot again for the movie, next time can really only get better :-)

Hmm yes that is very unfortunate with the cancellation of the Academy.
But a hint of me, talking about times with film students from Ludwigsburg, Berlin or Munich. They will teach you all erzählne that is really good for the study and secondly to be without it's really called for at least 1-2 years experience in the film should have.
A Film Studies is holding not the same as engineering or electrical engineering. Alone in my city, ten times more people studying sensor technology as it is at all film students in the FRG there.
Without you now to come close, your movie does not look that you have an internship at a videographer've done.

I myself play synonymous with the idea of me in Ludwigsburg and Co to advertise, but before I do not enough experience and internships have, I will not advertise synonymous. What important is that you do yourself a time limit set.




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