Frage von Blackeagle123: =
Synonymous as you can read there, I've built myself a camera crane. But now another problem: My recordings are sometimes very blurred. A really quiet scene, as in the demonstrations of the ABC cranes on their website, I absolutely do not get out. : (
Has anyone a hint what I s.Kopf or can ever improve? (I s.Kran in essence just a normal tripod head up, no special head!)
Antwort von Markus:

Hi Constantin,
may your crane is not very rigid. Have you ever some pictures of it?
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

Sorry, I unfortunately do not Abblidung. What do you mean with torsion free?
Antwort von Markus:

Hi Constantin,
ups, the demand I had completely overlooked ...
The term "torsion" was declared in connection with tripods in ug posting. In answering You were involved synonymous, then perhaps it was already clear.
Video tripod, the 100,000 o)
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Torsion free? = Takes twist on without distortion!
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

Hello Mark!
Thank you that you have not posted:)
But problem has really been done. I built a whole new head. It was only s.Kopf or s.der torsional rigidity of the head. Now Have a system that can equal un down, but the joint has s.einer elsewhere.
So first it was like this:
On the camera was attached to the arm, which went up to the crane itself. This "arm" you could make up and down. This arm, I could not make in the design, but so that there is virtually no torsional rigidity. Was constructed bissl stupid:)
Now I have it like this:
The arm is now firmly s.Kran at an angle of 90 °! The camera hangs off the bottom and there is, as s.einem 2D Tripod, a system that you can tilt and rotate!
Significantly softer, smooth motion!
If the camera rotates 90 degrees to the right, under certain circumstances it may be that it is crooked, because the 2D system is only responsible for the Height! Since I am the crane, but mainly just for up / down movements used in which the camera is parallel to the crane, this is not (yet) very dragisch!
I am when I got back more money to buy metal rails, etc., the process of constructing a much better krankopf too.
And then when I got even more money by remote control! :)
Many dear greetings
Antwort von Jan:

You are indeed Constantin Straddling with 15 (I hope I'm right already) as an impulse.
If you do so next you're soon 1 with known cinematographer shooting.
What do your classmates? Wirds later, a career in the film industry?
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

jop, you're right, I'm 15 years old ...
I very much hope that I get nen job in the film industry:)
So I'm interested in any case very much! But rather as a cameraman Directing xD No, that is, quite honestly, ma look what is out there! Have plenty of time.
And yes, my classmates .. I say Big Brother is to make our school xD
(But neeenee ...: p)
Many dear greetings
Antwort von Olli:
jop, you're right, I'm 15 years old ...
I very much hope that I get nen job in the film industry:)
So I'm interested in any case very much! But rather as a cameraman Directing xD No, that is, quite honestly, ma look what is out there! Have plenty of time.
And yes, my classmates .. I say Big Brother is to make our school xD
(But neeenee ...: p)
Many dear greetings
Constantin Hello,
a Daniel jet engines for the film industry; o)
* * times without loggin in