Frage von Mandi2:
I need your help again, was in Australia and Thailand and had about 6 h raw material brought home. (You did me already at the beginning of January purchase of the toll Camcorders helped)
Now I have a first film (approx. 35 min) geschnitten. Even when you add the mp3 music, I had the following problem, I was the songs in the normal track music disc, when playing Pinnacle but hung on for the import. Inserting the background sound track went then.
When the film editing was finished, I wanted a DVD burn, crash after about 75% of the rendering process, have repeatedly tried to predict each reboot. Then I changed it with the variant image tries to crash synonymous.
It remains perhaps should be that of a first attempt worked for about 8 min. I made this test because I wanted to test the menu navigation. In the preview window, the film after a Menusequenz not back to the menu on the DVD but then it worked.
I'm glad to help, it would take me, if I film the beautiful sequences could not evaluate.
Thank you
Antwort von tv-man_sh:

Pinnacle Studio can run unfortunately extremely unstable. Me personally hats then because of the many bugs of Pinnacle Studio Adobe Premiere sly direction. For shorter projects, it usually still works, but woe, the projects will be longer. The reasons can be very complex, so there is not synonymous nostrums can give. Pinnacle has the habit, unfortunately, extremely Project Files "aufzublähen". Since I own a lot of time with futile solution attempts had spent (extra internal hard drive only for Pinnacle, all patches inst., No further applications s.Laufen ...), I finally landed at Adobe. On the Adobe home page, there are 3.0 Elements of a 30-day trial version. This version is available without restrictions, only the Adobe logo is stamped. Maybe it's worth a try, just a long project with Adobe durchrechnen it. When it works, then it's probably a good alternative to Pinnacle. Otherwise, I recommend to as many effects (cut transitions) and imported mp3s to abandon the Project and as simply as possible. Then all other processes s.PC, the side still run off (the virus scanner running in the background, for example). Possible, a hard drive that can only be reserved for Pinnacle as far as possible and not too much synonymous fragmented should be. And then-with a lot of luck, maybe it works after a few attempts.
Antwort von consulting:

I can only then, did well with 6 years spent Pinnacle (of Studio 8-10).
It is like "tv-man_sh" says that all applications away and then pray and hope.
I myself have me because the price always refused to use Premiere, but I can back to me in the A .... I did not join the earlier transition bin.
It is true that Adobe Premiere is very expensive in comparison to Pinnacle but they are different worlds, about the same as I would a tractor with a Porsche and if you compare it once was will be no longer sufficient.