Frage von PowerMac:
We are looking for risk-taking and crazy camera people + driver.
Synonymous happy amateurs. You should be filming an event. It is something grenzlegal.
We make a viral commercial for a major group (; 250,000 employees). Remains secret until the shooting.
There are coal, 50 ¬ for two hours. Travel, food extra.
If you have any HD-Cam, that would be great. No matter how shit ...
The best at close of Karlsruhe, +-100km
Sign up s.patrick @
Antwort von Debonnaire:

How much additional coal's use of its own for the Cam?
Antwort von stefanf:

A company with over 250,000 employees pay for a grenzlegales enroll only 50 ¬ for 2 hours??
Antwort von B.DeKid:

What does actually "grenzlegal" what you have to think of the below?
And the NEN group not only 50, - ¬ is indeed pays quite clear what ne question LOL.
Mach drann times as loose two zeros.
Do I still calculate like Powermac's not stupid.
For 8 people or in this case the 400 are, -, plus Knapp kallkulierten say ¬ 30 travel costs, on average (150, -) plus Cathering aka aka Luchpackets food per person 30, - (150 -)
Power alone time for scheduled Camera Work (r) n about 700, -, the once rounded up to 1000, -
Equipment is then possible to lend, cost calculation, conceptual work, project management, computer work (cutting, grading, image preparation for print (DVD)), etc.
Less:. Taxes, eveentuelle extra insurance, cost, etc. So there would be an amount of 5000 - already nearly Borderline ;-))
Well yes but it is here not at all the costs, but about someone apparently a number of cameramen (-women) is looking at as much footage to score in a short time. As yet NEN 50 for 2 hours is ok.
Especially if there was not synonymous asked for pros.
But "grenzlegal" what does that mean I'd like to know Powermac times, or do I write to you for the PM that betray?
I can not think of anything below the best sake.
B. DeKid