Frage von dreaming:
I've got ask the question:
I own a Dreambox and happy to take (many) films. Since the processing path should be short (because there is synonymous halt processing times 30 films), I have now chosen the following way:
Dreambox -> Movies with ProjectX demux -> Cuttermaran cut (-> and with Mplex multiplex)
The resulting MPG's I have created then simply burned to a type Datendvd ISO and here already appeared on the first Prob: files may not be> 2 gigabytes. So I had until now always manual split.
Now I thought to myself, I just burn the videos to (probably better than) DVD-Video. However, now wants the DVDArchitect Recode or Nero Vision Express the sound in AC3.
Since this is unnecessarily long (takes 2 and MPEG audio according to wikipedia synonymous in the DVD-Video specification is integrated), I'm looking for a DVD authoring program that I created a DVD with simple menu and the video sound in MPEG 2 audio leaves (ie speak no more on the video / sound changes).
Can you recommend me a program (IFOEdit is not true, because there just so complicated multiple movies on a DVD-Video can bring)?
Ideally, if the program would be synonymous AC3 input a video file so leave as is.
Antwort von Eva Maier:

DVD Quick Builder authoring of Goods
Antwort von dreaming:

Do you mean DVD Junior (Is this the successor of DVD Quick Builder?)?
Are there any other Programs that can do this?
Antwort von Eva Maier:

No - I mean Quick Builder
Antwort von dreaming:

DVD Quick Builder does not exist anymore :-(
Amazon customer review quote:
Good DVD authoring software is very, very rare. DVD Quick Builder (approx. $ 1000), there is no more. Also DVD Wise (2,200 U.S. dollars of goods Authoring Company) has long been passe. And Minerva had your DVD Professional software sold s.Pinnacle system.
Apple has bought out then the Windows DVD-pro solutions GmbH of Astarte, and Spruce Technologies. The market is there leergekauft almost. What remains is only Apple, Sonic, and Adobe. Ironically, Adobe Encore DVD has a Sonic DVD engine under license. Unfortunately, Adobe Encore DVD 1.0.1 more software in alpha state as a professional DVD authoring software. Encore DVD 1 as a public beta test in the user it would be cool. But like this? I have not made it in 4 weeks with Encore DVD burn a DVD. Wants to mean something. My Encore DVD, I, like almost all sold in the industry again. Gibts else a prog?
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Perhaps DVD Author ( wenns Steams goes to non-compliant
(hearsay) Habs himself did not try
/ EM
Antwort von dreaming:

As far as I know would be, but does not accept 5.1 AC3 (TMPGEnc MPEG Editor, unfortunately) not synonymous.
But I'll try it once. Other suggestions can be made happy ;-)
Antwort von Eva Maier:

TMPGEnc DVD Author to gibts an AC3 plugin
/ Em
Antwort von dreaming:

... but only with AC3 2.0 (as far as I know)