Frage von Ralf Schultze:
As an old AVID editor, I sit for a week with Final Cut Pro and DVD Studio Pro s.Manual and s.Mac. Have Final Cut with chapter markers in the timeline set (Chapter) because manual says: will be incorporated into DVD Studio. Search in vain for a viable way to these marks quickly and simply connect with a menu interface. The Manual (759 pages) and the DVD tutorial have no useful way. I have to animate anything, just want to quickly show 11 keys with 11 chapters. Has anyone a quick and understandable idea for me?
Thank you very much
Antwort von Axel:

Hello Ralf,
I will not be clear what you do not clearly come. Absolutely Maybe Avid is a different matter? I try to clarify:
In Final Cut Pro, you can not only purely synchronous markers synonymous compression marker (relevant to Mpeg2 - coding), and chapter markers set (which also are only interesting when you export your timeline for DSP, otherwise), they remain without function. The latter are in the export as mpeg2 through
Compressor or the Quicktime conversion and display incorporated in DSP. Why all?
Well, you can even put in DSP Chapter synonymous in the timeline, but there only to I-frames, that is not frame accurate. In principle, therefore, provides the chapter markers simultaneously for precise s.Kapitelbeginn I-frame itself and for the chapter designation
With the DSP
menu, you can
jump on the
objectives of the Menutasten specify the respective chapters. By clicking on the section tab in the timeline in the information window you can determine what should happen if the chapter is finished and will be ruled out which remote control rights.
Sorry if I carry coals to Newcastle, but I suspect a fundamental misunderstanding.