Frage von DeViL MaN:Moinsen
So if I Premiere Pro 1.5 and the raushauen zurechtschnibbel me something and then connect it with any player would like to see nem x crash trying partly to show only macken fractures or have any other ...
had the problem solved so far as I'm rausgehauen Uncompressed video with Premiere 6.5 and then got a codec drübergepackt .. soo that was synonymous always wonderful ... (synonymous wenns totally awkward) is only my 6.5er seems to me you are today with registration info. invalid mist ... War is no longer run by ...
Who knows, perhaps ne solution to the above problem?
Antwort von Gaussman:
exactly the problem is my Premiere Pro synonymous. In 6.5er version everything was ok. And now such a crap! I wonder why it is occurring because Gafikfehler every used codec. Currently I have the following solution: I can instead of "Export -> Movie" synonymous "Export -> Adobe Enconder (or choose something like that). Then there are almost no graphics, although more errors, but can then take only prescribed codecs (for example, WMV).
MfG Gaussman