Frage von CVCVCV:
I want my iMovie movie (iMovie 4) burn to CD, as a video CD.
've Got it yesterday) tried by exporting (= Send to QuickTime format and then the file with Toast 6, where there is a setting for Video CD. That, then what came out here on the burned CD, but I could not open myself.
And it would be very important that the whole is synonymous can run on different computers, because it is at a physical application
Were you grateful for the one or the other tip.
With spätsonntäglichen greetings from Berlin,
Carsten Voigt
Antwort von rush:

I know neither the world nor from mac with your progs, but maybe you can print from your video application synonymous export to mpeg / ...? ne for video or super video cd so synonymous is actually ahead of ne mpg file ... at least it works then (under windows with nero ;)....)
Antwort von GhostDog:

'm Not quite sure, but perhaps it is this: do not export to Toast, but as a "self-containing." Mov. save. Then open Toast, select Video-CD and reinziehen the films. But could possibly be a problem with the dataset.