Frage von Thorsten1973:
I have gained me a video camera and Studio 9th
Synonymous if everything works quite well. But I want to create a DVD with several videos (avis) on the DVD I have since then only one giant file.
Can someone give me a hint how I can do that, so afterwards I can fast forward, chapter by chapter?
Thank you for your help
Or is there a better alternative program for me?
Will create only chapters in there and have Überblendeffete
Antwort von Kiara Borini:

OK, I'm (very briefly to ask something in time pressure) - so if it was too fast .. ;-)
A film cutting as usual, and then save as an MPEG file. The quality of Studio9 should be offered optimal DVD quality.
If enough movies are stored to load all the movies into a new Project and put s.den the top menu.
In the Storyboard view, should now be displayed for each film on its own Picture. With the right mouse button for each film's context menu and "Select View-disc set chapter. If the file name chosen for the individual films "wise", you have to adjust the Menutextenicht more. Otherwise, with the right mouse button on the menu and "Title / Menu Editor.
Now, the DVD can be burned. When the films have been saved with the right quality, it must Studio9 here for the movies do not re-calculated.