Infoseite // Customize Cinema 4D animation video

Frage von Korbi:

can someone tell me briefly how you generally adjust a 3D animation s.ein video? Say for example a car driving into a video of a street installs? Can I import videos into Cinema 4D, or can I tune it in After Effects C4D animation?

Thanks #


Antwort von Soulfly:

Hi Korbi,

do that requires several steps. Referring to your example:

First, you have a filmed street. If you have a firm stand of the Tripod rotated, is the insertion of the animation no problem as long as you pay attention on the perspective. So you could post a Stillimage the road in C4D imported as "Matrix adapt" to your animation in it.
It is difficult when there is camera movement. Which must then be tracked. Such tools are very expensive, but there is a free version called voodoo camera tracker. Requires a little knowledge, however, that you need you (even draw; search engine), I can not explain here in its entirety.
When you export the animation from C4D, adjusted strictly alpha channel advantage of multi-pass rendering, and so we are coming to After Effects.
Here you put the animation on your road footage. To give the whole a near-actual "look", you need to farbkorrigieren Street and / or animation. The latter come in different Render Pass for the course, which are editable in After Effects / Photoshop. Done. To give the whole the last whistle, you should of interactions such as shadows on the street or taking on some reflections on the car paint.

I hope that was short enough ...;)

MFG Matthias


Antwort von Korbi:

Thank you. For that I love this page!


Antwort von weitwinkel:

"Soulfly" wrote: So you could post a Stillimage the road in C4D imported as "Matrix adapt" to your animation in it.

I do not know now what you mean with matrix-import, but you can create a background object synonymous, and that your Stillimage / video material as days
paperboard with Frontalmapping and adjust the aspect ratio.
gruß cj


Antwort von B.DeKid:

But watch your pixel ratio Animation! See Render Settings in Cinema 4D ;-)

B. DeKid


Antwort von JerryTrumpet:

... however, the Tracker will cost a little ... Greeting Jerry


Antwort von Soulfly:

"Wide angle" wrote: "Soulfly" wrote: So you could post a Stillimage the road in C4D imported as "Matrix adapt" to your animation in it.

I do not know now what you mean with matrix-import, but you can create a background object synonymous, and that your Stillimage / video material as days
paperboard with Frontalmapping and adjust the aspect ratio.
gruß cj

exactly what I meant.


Antwort von Mr. B:

A free tracker would be Icarus. Tutorials and download here:


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