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Hi Friends,
FIRST Thank you for your assistance in the recent past!
Has brought a lot to me!
Now is my Project ferttig and I want to convert / render!
My issue is currently only available on a PC, it's for a trade fair and the film will be shown on monitors, no flat screens or so, everything PC based?
Which codec do I make for the best representation?
The film must be finished by noon today! :-)))
The Jodel WIRT
Antwort von pixelmaid:

How should it be on the spot - ie of what medium?
Antwort von

From CD and of hard drive!
Antwort von pixelmaid:

I have now unfortunately not asked on what system you are on.
Apple ProRes 4:2:2, or are both good view - the latter synonymous for HD material. Which codec do you have since cut?
Antwort von
I have now unfortunately not asked on what system you are on.
Apple ProRes 4:2:2, or are both good view - the latter synonymous for HD material. Which codec do you have since cut? The raw material is HDV! So I cut the mpeg ...
Which format should get out because s.Ende? MOV, WMV, m2t?
Please, fast answer!
What do you mean with the system? Apple? If you do, do not have an Apple PC!
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
From CD and of hard drive! Ohjeee ...
You Wilster so the file only as a data file to play?
Take it to the pencil *. wmv