Frage von embee:
I have Ulead MSP 7 in use and has recently started a synonymous Contour Jog Shuttle.
Great thing to "scroll", that is the right place in the film are looking for.
But I can because then synonymous with the cutting thing? Say there is a keyboard shortcut or a button's for editing?
Until now I always take the mouse, then click the "scissors icon" and then cut s.der body. I would however like to do with the shuttle.
Antwort von Login_vergessen:

I also worked with such a shuttle. Normally you can on each button corresponding profile of the shuttle a key feature of the application to assign.
What button (nkombination) in your program, it should emerge from the documentation.
Antwort von Georg:

Is there not a ready-made template for MSP, which is in the menu of the Shuttle to select? (Unfortunately, the shuttle was no longer in use)
Antwort von embee:

Times I try it at home, have now discovered that one with the button "S" may be synonymous cut, which should work.
Thanks for the hint!
Antwort von Georg:

There are shuttle control panel are three entries for Media Studio (audio editor, capture, video editor). Synonymous Settings You can import and export (if already other / better settings exist)
Antwort von wolfgang:

True, there are templates for MSP beireits when the Contour Jogshuttle. Only, unfortunately, has just the MSP with the JoJo 2 problems:
- The cursor is after a relatively long time, and this makes the use of the more difficult JoJos
- Unfortunately, the MSP has relatively few keystrokes, compared with other NLEs. This is the programming capability of the JoJos eingeschänkt - the lives of keyboard shortcuts.
Personally, I think the MSP in combination with a JoJo unfortunately not for the yellow from the egg. It probably works better with the MSP without JoJo (unfortunately).