Infoseite // CyberLink HomeCinm setting.ini ...

Frage von rethus:

Today I found out that the settings for CyberLink's Home Cinema in directory:
C: Documents and settings
are made <entsprechender> Local EinstellungenAnwendungsdatenPowerCinemasetting.ini.

I myself only have an OEM version. To better understand the file to, it would be Great, if you give me a copy of your post Could setting.ini times. (Where necessary, the folder is not visible, then you must activate the> Explorer Tools> Folder Options>> Hidden Files and Data> show hidden files and folders ".)

I'm interested in various settings ... of the normal video and audio settings, to the distinction Analog and DVB-T mode.

PS: Does anyone have a little script that can be reversed with the click of a button to switch of analogue to DVB-T (and)? - The way the menu is too complicated ...

Thank you once had ....


Antwort von steveb:

The probably that here someone use the same hardware, is relatively low, therefore, believe you are a dedicated DVB Board rather be able to help. In addition, there is still synonymous nor the manufacturer's site?


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